Step-by-Step HVAC Installer Training on Line Set Length and Proper Installation Techniques: Module 1

Module 1 of the Step-by-Step HVAC Installer Training program is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of line set length and proper installation techniques. This comprehensive course is perfect for anyone seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge in the HVAC industry. With the guidance of experienced professionals, he or she will learn how to measure and cut line sets to proper lengths, as well as how to properly install them to ensure optimal system performance. Whether he or she is a seasoned installer looking to refresh their skills or someone new to the field, they will find this training invaluable to their career.


HVAC Shop Talk is a leading resource in the HVAC industry for promoting and supporting skilled trades, including HVAC. They have released a video titled “Step-by-Step HVAC Installer Training on Line Set Length and Proper Installation Techniques: Module 1,” that is perfect for novice HVAC installers looking to learn proper installation techniques. In this article, we will review the video, discuss the key takeaways, and answer some commonly asked questions.

Module 1: Line Set Length and Proper Installation Techniques

In this video, HVAC Shop Talk covers the basics of line set length and proper installation techniques for HVAC systems. Here are some of the key takeaways:

  1. Keep Suction Line and Liquid Line Separate

In a Bosch IDs 2.0 installation, it is important to keep the suction line separate from the liquid line to avoid corrosion and damage to the system. This is a common mistake that novice HVAC installers make, and it can lead to premature system failure.

  1. Maximum Line Length and Lift

There is a limit to how far apart a condenser and evaporator can be based on the maximum line length and lift. The video demonstrates how to calculate the maximum line length and lift for a specific HVAC system and provides guidance on selecting the appropriate line set.

  1. Excessive Wiring Can Lead to Low Voltage

Excessive wiring can lead to low voltage, which can cause the system to malfunction or fail. The video emphasizes the importance of keeping the wiring length within the recommended limits for the Bosch IDs 2.0 system, which is 150 feet.

Tips for Novice HVAC Installers

The video also provides some valuable tips for novice HVAC installers, including:

  • Always follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions
  • Use the appropriate equipment and tools
  • Double-check all connections and fittings
  • Test the system for leaks before charging


Overall, HVAC Shop Talk’s “Step-by-Step HVAC Installer Training on Line Set Length and Proper Installation Techniques: Module 1” is an excellent resource for novice HVAC installers looking to learn proper installation techniques. The video covers some of the key considerations when installing an HVAC system, including line set length, proper installation techniques, and maximum line length and lift. HVAC Shop Talk’s website and podcast are sponsored by several leading companies in the HVAC industry and can be supported by becoming a YouTube member or Subscribe Star subscriber.


  1. What is HVAC Shop Talk?

HVAC Shop Talk is a leading resource in the HVAC industry for promoting and supporting skilled trades, including HVAC. They provide a range of resources, including videos and podcasts, to help novice HVAC installers learn proper installation techniques.

  1. What is Bosch IDs 2.0?

Bosch IDS 2.0 is a type of HVAC system that is designed for commercial and industrial applications. It features advanced control and monitoring capabilities and is known for its reliability and durability.

  1. How can I support HVAC Shop Talk?

HVAC Shop Talk can be supported by becoming a YouTube member or Subscribe Star subscriber. You can also leave a review or like on their videos and podcasts to help widen their audience.

  1. What topics will HVAC Shop Talk cover in the future?

HVAC Shop Talk is planning a future episode on calculating additional charge on a line set. They welcome suggestions for future topics, which can be emailed to

  1. What are some common mistakes that novice HVAC installers make?

Common mistakes that novice HVAC installers make include not following the manufacturer’s installation instructions, using the wrong equipment and tools, and not testing the system for leaks before charging. It is important to double-check all connections and fittings to ensure that the system is installed properly.

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