it's me mikey pipes going on a potential warranty
recall uh this three ton carrier 16 seer system that we installed about two months ago
if you recall i had to take apart the air handler totally disassembled in order to fit
it into the closet door of the third floor maybe i'll put a link in the description box down below
to that video but their master bedroom suite no plane no no air conditioning so i'm here i got my
volt meter i got my milwaukee m12 impact driver with the 5 16 drill no one's home but i think
i hear the contactor pulled in let's go take a look i'm going to show you quick troubleshooting
tips to save yourself some aggravation but also just for some educational purposes all right
let's get going all right there's the unit she's not on so i'm just gonna put down my ipad
i use the service pal mobile dispatching and invoicing app also lets me take payments right
from the app but there's the unit we installed there's my sticker so first thing we're
gonna do i'm gonna take a peek inside here and it looks like i am gonna need a phillip damn
it so i'm gonna take off this cover right here see if the contact is pulled in and see if i got um
240 volts all right i got my cover off as you can see my contactor is pulled in but it looks like i
got some no bueno stuff going on right here i got a bunch of charred wires and that is not good that
is not good at all wow this is a brand new system all right we're going to pull a disconnect we're
going to verify that i don't have voltage there we're going to see if we have any shorts to
ground but wow that is not good look at that look at that that is not good at all
ladies and gentlemen that is no bueno wow no bueno let's take a look at this contactor let
me see if i can go the other way but let me pull looks like she's permanently pulled in look
at that the contactor is permanently pulled in i don't have any power to it but it's
still pulled in got a new contact already you can see i still got 24 volts so i guess
i'm good i thought let's go into the attic we're going to replace that contactor
very curious as to know why this did that that's wow brand new unit brand new unit this
happened on incredible all right i just checked the capacitance of the dual capacitor i'm
at 45.5 and we have a what do we got here five so my my dual capacitor is good i'm gonna
replace the wire from common to the contactor and rewire this all right i have a new capacitor
installed check the amperage from the 10.6 checking another line 10.5 okay let's check perm we're at 5.4
let's just check fan while we're at it and we're at 0.5 all right a common six amps
so it looks like in this particular case this contactor was the culprit look at that wow
defective contact a brand new machine incredible full disclosure oh don't lose the screws full
disclosure there's the model and serial number just installed this just about two months ago but
we did our due diligence we verified the problem made corrections and hopefully this doesn't
happen again maybe it's made in china yep sure is made in china all right let's go update
the client with what happened and what we did to fix it i'm looking all over your taj mahal for
you i found you so the part like i said that tells gets a signal from the thermostat and tells
the unit to turn on was frozen in place so it was frozen on forever which rarely happens you see
that on normally on on normal like like older systems that are neglected not maintained but
after so many years not on two months of system i put the new part in i checked the compressor
i checked the amperage of the system the breaker of course was tripped in the electric panel
which is in that small closet by the back door i turned that back on i checked the amperage it's
running fine the thermostat is reading a2 it's 93 degrees out it may not get too like i low i
raised the 72.
No i'm not called out yes um it may not i think there's like a smell a little
bit i noticed that too but never had that before not from the system though right because i
actually checked from the vent i don't know if something else is going on maybe um i'll take
a peek in the attic if you like yeah yeah i'll take a peek up there okay but other than that
it's running all right here's the air handler i got no water in the condensate everything else
is normal it's got a little funky smell though but there's the plenum that we made but everything
else is good you know what i had all my money on electrical issue dealing with circuit breaker
through no fault of equipment no fault of installation i had no idea that we were looking at
a seized up contactor on this condenser but got it on film showing you guys you know what sometimes
you just gotta eat it but we're gonna submit a warranty claim through through carrier yeah i'll
get back a 20 contactor or nine dollar contactor it's not even worth my time submitting it but
i just want to establish uh the service call with ce northeast so they are aware this is what
happened on this day and go from there all right guys let me get your thoughts and feedback down
in the comment section down below like i told the homeowner i have never seen a brand new system
and two months is brand new i've never seen a brand new system seized up like that you know
the contact is stuck in a closed position and that thing was must have been cooking thank god
we got no compressor damage because then carrier mikey pipes would not be happy all right um
rule of thumb be apologetic be apologetic to the homeowner your client tell them listen i'm sorry
this happened you know what but things happen but you know what you called us we came the
same day we took care of it and apologize and say listen you know just keep an eye on the system
let us know if something else goes wrong you know the system i left with in the cooling mode it's
cooling down made him aware that listen it's 93 degrees out it's gonna take a while for it to cool
off it may not even happen until the sun goes down so be apologetic you know explain in so many words
what you did what you did to correct the problem and move on alright guys thank you so much for
watching to this short little video hope you found it somewhat interesting and educational
not so much entertaining but man i'm pissed a carrier but at least it's not a compressor
fingers crossed knock on wood made you laugh