If I say This game is your Assassin's Creed valhalla for your Android devices Then would you can believe me Well hello there ladies and gentleman I am Harsh Chauhan And today we are talking about the game odin valhalla This game is already launched And you are just one click away from downloading it You can find out the link in description if you haven't downloaded it then go now Well you went to download this game very fastly That Assassins Creed valhalla is out for Android But when you run this game when you enter the game after installation Then you are going to see a problem You are not able to enter this game When you try to login this game Add when you try to login in this game as a guest account Or else the server Of the games company Then you are not able to enter in this game at all And why it's all happening Because the game is available for the Korean regions only If you are living in the foreign country And you want to download and play this game forcefully Then the games company from Korea will going to block your server Then you are not able to login It's all happening because for Korean users To enhance their gaming experience they are doing like this Now you want to play this game so what you will gonna do You just need to follow and trick what I am telling to you right now If you downloaded this game then don't worry For now there is no need to install it For now you need to go in your phone setting If your phone settings are opened Then you need to type languages in your search bar Then you are going to see an option called languages and input So now you need to click on that And remember watch this part of the video very carefully Because you are not finding any text saying Korean in English You need to recognise a word now you can watch in the video you need to click on that only on which I am clicking So your phone's language turned into Korean language Right now you can see by yourself on the skin that I am moving my cursor on a particular font So you need to recognise the same font and then click on that font When your phone language will be change into Korean language Now you can see by yourself that my phone's language converted into Korean language Now what next now you need to install the game and run the game Now you enter the game Now you can see by yourself my game is about to start And you are going to see two options when you enter your game First option is about the kakao server of the game And the second one is for guest account So you need to click on the second option Because if you even click on the guest account then your work may be done So you don't need to do any unnecessary hard work