Which HVAC systems are compatible with the Nest Thermostat?

– [Instructor] Welcome to Google Nest. Let's check which HVAC systems are compatible with the Nest Thermostat. The Nest thermostat is designed to work without a common wire
or C wire in most homes. But some systems may require
a C wire for consistent power. For homes that need a C wire, the Nest Power Connector is a simple and affordable alternatives. In this video, we'll be covering the most common scenarios where the Nest Thermostat
is compatible as is, a Nest Power Connector,
or C wire may be needed, a Nest Power Connector
or C wire is required. The Nest Thermostat
works with HVAC systems with one stage of heating and cooling and a second stage of
either heating or cooling. It works broadly with heat pumps with either ox or emergency heat. If your HVAC system has a C wire, the Nest Thermostat is compatible as is.

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If you have a heating and cooling system, you most likely do not need a Nest Power Connector or C wire, the Nest Thermostat can tell you during the installation process. For some systems, including
heating only, cooling only, zone-controlled and heat pumps systems, you will need a Nest
Power Connector or C wire. You can check compatibility with the nest thermostat
compatibility checker. The checker will walk you through your thermostats wiring configuration to help you determine if
your system is compatible. Based on this, you'll see
thermostat recommendations for your home. Wanna learn more? Additional information can be found on the Google Nest Thermostat help center..

As found on YouTube

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