previously on efixx we reviewed this 
rather cool Milwaukee force logic hole   punch well today it's time to put it head 
to head with this Mandrex hole saw system   that's like taking a Lamborghini on the 
school run you can do it but it's overkill   well we don't know again i've set a little 
challenge up for us here you know we like a   challenge on efixx you know it could even be race 
i'd just like to stop you there i know how this   works before i take it you're taking this one 
i've got the old traditional method because i   do like this Mandrex hole saws for electricians 
but let's call it a review and that means that   we won't be uh sweating and rushing around as 
we punch these holes i take it that's going to   have to come into this trunking yeah well okay 
that's what you don't want to race you know   confident in your own abilities i know how this 
works and how it works well we'll call it a review   but it's the same challenge we've got set up in 
front of us we've got a drill five holes or you've   got to drill five holes with your hole saw sixteen 
to forty millimetres okay yeah i'm gonna punch   i'm gonna smoothly punch with this cool tool 
five holes okay from 16 up to 40 millimetres okay   that's that seems well within my comfort zone and 
we're gonna now review the Milwaukee force logic   against the lovely electrician's kit from Mandrax 
so first up the force logic from Milwaukee but i'm   seeing a step cutter yeah i've got to drill 
my pilot holes for the uh for the hole punch   to work Gary so that's one of the things i'm 
not seeing on many of the reviews that i've   seen of this tool before you have to drill a 
hole before you punch a hole yeah that's right   and obviously people are going to be watching 
this thing well why don't you just use the uh   the step cut you've got there that wouldn't be a 
very good uh Milwaukee forced logic review though   no it wouldn't no but yeah you're right people 
miss that out okay so there's your first one and   you're going to drill a three at is it 12 mil and 
a couple at 20 mill in order to facilitate these   uh hole punches i can drill them all at once 
that's what i'm going to do okay well i'm just   going to step over and i'm going to just drill my 
first hole and make it a 16mm hole okay we could   have just used the step cutter for that i could 
have done but that wouldn't have been a review   of the Mandrex hole saws then would it hopefully 
going in with that just put them into the drill   yeah well i've got a top tip for you Gary you 
shouldn't have put that cooling gel on before   you've found the punched mark oh it's the first 
time i got hold of the cooling gel you've done   the other reviews on it i was desperate to use it 
so you can see there my mandrel was going in and   that mandrel will remain on the uh hole saw for 
the entire time i cut these so as i go through now   and then my 16 mil hole saw will cut a hole so one 
action really and you're saying that's complete   then well i know you're going back in again well 
no yeah that's the initial hole so you've got two   actions to do and i've got two actions no no 
no one's winning that argument bar me okay so   as always it's a slower speed now i'm on speed 
setting one and i'm using the cooling gel in order   to prolong the life of my cutting tool as well as 
make a perfectly clean hole is the thinking behind   it so it's not full trigger we're not racing we're 
trying to review these tools yeah it seems to be   taking a long time well when you do it correctly 
it will do yeah and you notice that the the   swarf is being held by the cooling gel as well i 
remember being on site and being sprayed with very   uh fine shards of red-hot swarf and i did holes 
at a faster speed and yeah so we're still doing   that yeah so i'm back in for those slightly larger 
pilot holes i've marked my step cutter green and   blue so i know what that was you can't overshoot 
on a step cutter and i wouldn't want that to   happen because then i wouldn't get to use the 
cool tool that is the force logic so you're still   drilling holes to punch holes yeah but once i get 
going with that force logic i'm gonna you're gonna   see some action then a bit of cooling gel i think 
you're a little late with that one though weren't   you yeah yeah okay i'm trying to back up the lost 
time here so that's 20 mil so you've got two 20   and two three at 12.


Yeah so just yeah just clear 
that away okay and now i can start assembling the   hole punch so that was a 12 mil hole just remind 
me of the size of hole you're going to punch out   now we're going to just go take that 12 mil up to 
16 millimetres oh thank thank uh thankfully we've   got the force logic from Milwaukee to make 
that hole at 16 mil yeah okay i must admit   it's probably one of the least used ones that 
are in the uh box of punches that come with   this tool but it's quick once i get going so 
i'm i've hitched up there with the ball grab   this [ __ ] this is the only bit you'd see on site 
yeah yeah come in and watch me make a hole yeah   there you go look at that yeah effortless so now 
just got to remove the the waste material from the   punch and die set i wouldn't imagine if we had a 
12 mil hole that we've got much when it's now 16.   there's a sliver of metal there's one bit 
dropped out you didn't see it there did you   yeah i did see it and then it comes to the second 
bit is it yeah there they are i'll find them   in a minute there they are wow so you've done 
the first one yep right i've changed over now   my hole saw uh and i'm now at 20 mil just move 
that block of wood i tend to keep missing them   exactly the same process okay following my 
top tip now you're going to actually bring   the cooling gel in a little bit later in um 
yeah i just want to mix it up really you know   people don't want to see me doing the same every 
time and again just drill through and then cut my   hole out nothing quite difficult about this is 
that yeah there you go and a slow speed uh of   course you know i'm gonna bring that cooling gel 
in look at that i've got two hands going now oh   like a potter's wheel so uh so that will be a 16 
and a 20 mil done for me exactly the same process   two really have done the pilot 
hole in the larger i'm not again yeah yeah it's it is 
the trick to go slow and   yeah i probably overdid the cooling gel 
a little but that's the whole through   right so i'm just doing my 20 millimetre 
hole now so i've got the punch in there   all assembled in there you go look a lot quicker 
a lot smoother you see i'm not shaking around   on the bench from the drill i'm just just calmly 
getting on with it it sounds like we're missing   the step cutter action that we had just a few 
moments ago yeah but you might have the apprentice   doing that just come in with a cool tool to finish 
the job off yeah so just disassemble the punch and   die assembly again just tap out the material 
a little bit a little bit with more material   and move that top hid it in the trunking i 
noticed um now stepped up to my 32 mil hole   so i've done a 25 off camera and now i'm at 
32 because this is the stage where you've   got a larger hole isn't you notice my kit apart 
from a hole saw it's identical as i had before   okay we've got that cool and gentle it drags it in 
look at that ah yes and again i'm going a little   bit slower again now so i've got a larger 
size of um hole saw so i need to go slower   in order to get that nice cut into the trunking 
you know often with full trigger speed two aren't   we trying to blast through desperately just pull 
the trigger forward i'm not desperate at all so   just gently does it you know it's no smoking off 
mine and i have noticed actually how the the uh   the waste material just drops out at the end you 
get a lot of holes with a claim i have a spring   for sheet metal it just doesn't seem like you're 
neither here if you go on the right speed the the   middle bit just drops out you saw it again there 
yeah just drops through okay so you're in your 20   mil hole for your 32 from being more comfortable 
yeah okay yeah so again same thing just putting   the the die on for the bottom there bring it 
in just put the safety guard in so we don't   trap our fingers in there and the bit we all love 
yeah we could watch that all day long couldn't we yeah just takes it out there so final one then 
so i think we're up to 40 mil now i don't want to   say it i will use exactly the same kit apart from 
the fact i've clicked there no i've clicked around   i missed the hole again yes i've clipped in 
my 40 mm hole saw into my Mandrex hole saw   and there we go what cool gel i just like it 
you know i've sprayed it everywhere there and i   so yeah i've been at a festival there 
everybody got a bit in the audience   and there we go just gently on the 
last bit the speed was even slower   i think that's me done okay well i'll just 
stop but i've just got one more hole to do   and that's that that's the 40 millimetre i must 
point out this tool will go up to 100 millimetre   hole size okay what size hole do you have 
to pre-drill for that 99 mil no that's it   once you're into that zone it's only that 20 
millimetre hole but look at that we're done that's   a 40 millimetre one so just remove the swarf 
and waste from the from the punch and die set   obviously always have to disassemble it because 
you've got to re-thread it through a pre-drilled   pilot hole Gary yeah okay which is the first 
bit of the uh presentation where you drilled   five holes before you punched five volts and 
there's your waste material okay or one again then   oh there you go at all it was quicker it wasn't 
a race it was a review wasn't it was just a   review hang on hang on you press that start 
button there and i press that one over there   so that's my time i won the race i won 
the race no hold on you said this wasn't   a race you were quite categoric at the 
start this wasn't a race you wanted to   follow the manufacturer's instructions and just 
do everything by the boot you had to cooling gel   you weren't maxing out on the Makita so it's not 
a race but you know so i won the review yeah your   way of doing it initially was faster than this 
way yeah initially faster initially faster okay   we'll come up with that what i really think we 
need to do now Gary is just look at hole quality   okay yeah because i mean once you've drilled ten 
oh no obviously the first five have disappeared   punched i drilled five punched five okay so we're 
looking at your punch titles yeah let's have a   look at these punch holes okay do that and the 
Mandrex does a good hole but a punched hole oh   they are smooth i mean that is i would say you 
could you wouldn't even need a grommet on those   controversial but uh drop a 
comment on there but they are   not going to damage any cables on those they are 
run the finger around there all day okay yeah   i'm not going to run my finger out there all day 
there is no on the top it's a it's a clean hole   for a hole saw a fantastic job but i would 
suggest that you're going to have to do just   a little bit of de-burring look at that you see 
i'm running my finger around there i'm picking up   just need to wipe up really at the end i think 
yeah you need to do some de-burring on those holes   again let's go back to the race that i won 
yeah look at the time difference review sorry   it would be another five minutes cleaning those 
up i think and uh we'll look at that and then   possibly also let's just have a look at the 
little swarfomiter oh right is that what these   soup containers pee and ham are all about are they 
yeah so you did you've generated a lot more swarf   do you think that's the the real thing that's 
gonna send people over the line to get the forced   logic from Milwaukee is these two soup containers 
at the end do you think they'll be the one that   sends them off to purchase it could be but you 
know it's a lot more a lot more cooling gel used   there yeah i think yeah okay let's let's leave 
you to decide yeah thoughts below we've used a   step cutter i'm sure there's already some comments 
going in about the step cut we've used the lovely   fine-tooth electrician set from uh Mandrex which 
i love in order to drill these wonderful holes   in less time than it took to use this Milwaukee 
force logic which is slightly more expensive than   this compact set of hole saws here from Mandrex 
okay that do lovely smooth holes do you agree we   love the Mandrex also this looks cool yeah it does 
you know if you're in if you're in the market to   spend a lot of money on a hole punch i mean this 
looks good and you know you probably wouldn't use   the 16 millimetre one you'd probably want to buy 
some additional punches that may push the price up   a little bit more i like the 100 mil one idea yeah 
and this stainless steel we can talk about that   check out the review we made on this tool if you 
haven't seen it share your comments on where you   are using it okay or if you're not using it and 
you're using something say like this hole saw kit   from Mandrex designed for electricians recommended 
by an electrician that was considerably quicker   than this one from Milwaukee would also like to 
hear all of those comments below and Gordon's got   something on what's that mystery tool there you've 
brought out the end i was just kind of running   well i think catch up with Gary in our next video 
leave those comments but in the next video Gary   will be demonstrating how to de-burr a hole with 
this uh noga deburring tool and i'll be watching   him with perhaps i might have a cup of coffee with 
another tool that you suggested wasn't it wasn't   quite up to par but i will enjoy drinking a cup 
of coffee while Gary deburrs those holes we'll   let your comments and thoughts below decide 
the argument that i've just won daddy deburr you

As found on YouTube

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