Pel Dc Inverter Ac F0 Error Code & How To Troubleshoot the Error | Error code F0 Air Conditioner |

Subscribe Youtube channel Forever Tech to get latest updates of every video Asalam-ul-alakum friends I am Nadeem Robin and you are watching my You Tube channel Forever Tech in which we are making amazing and informative videos! today we will talk about Pel Dc inverter air conditioner we will share F0 code with you and will show you when F0 code shows on display how will you understand it! what does it means ?..and what is its solution? and how will you techal it now we will give you complete demonstration so before that I request you if you are new to my channel and if watched video before and haven't subscribe our channel then please subscribe and press bell icon so that you can get every video notification lets start the video! music… see we have on the unit and on 16 temperature unit is working when error code will come we will tell you why this Error code comes and what is its reason F0 error code is shown on Pel display whenever this error code is shown on display ..what is its meaning and why it comes? so friends let me tell you that when this F0 error code will come your indoor unit will be working but cooling will be stop let me tell you in detail why it comes! this fault is of outdoor unit lets take you towards outdoor! where we will tell you in detail why it comes now we have come to outdoor unit in this when outdoor unit fan motor do not work cause of some reason so then F0 error code will show on display if fan motor is jam and if supply from PCB doesn't comes to it cause of some reason so it will show this error code not getting supply can be cause 2-3 reasons first reason is let me show you were are its connectors see these are its sensor wires but on backside there are three wires Blue,Red and Yellow if any of these wires cut off so then this error code F0 will be shown on display if this connector comes out or get loose so it will show F0 error code in spite this if IPM is not giving electric so cause of this it will show F0 code i will open PCB and show you how is IPM? friends we have taken outdoor PCB from unit I will show you where is its IPM installed? if it is faulted so still F0 can be shown on display see this heat sink..below its IPM and upper is its heat sink I will remove this complete heat sink and show you if it is faulted so might the unit show you F0 error code so Friends we have taken out its heat sink as you can see this is its IPM which operate its fan in this who;e Dc fan motor is not present in some models Ac fan motor is present and having different system and in some is Dc fan motor see this is its connector U,V,W is install here its sequence might be different so then check it if it is faulted so then F0 error code will shown on display repair it or change the whole unit! so this Error will be disappear from display and your unit will come back to working condition so Friends you have watch complete video hopefully you loved the video! and will be very useful for you meet you in next video….

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