in today's video we go to a no cooling
call and we were able to zero in on a leak i'll return when it's not so hot up
there and i fix it so here it comes we are on a call where the customer said it won't catch up in the heat of the day all right all right it looks like we got a super heat of 40 degrees
and a negative sub cooling is that right low sub cooling high super
heat things low on charge yeah that is just barely barely even cool it's at 77 degrees i'm going to look down here for any
oil spots but start a late search up top i am not really seeing any signs of
oil in here so let's go up in the attic it is scorching hot up here yesterday it was 92 degrees i think it's gonna be hotter today y'all forgive me if this fan is
loud but it's really hot up here i can't take this panel off or move it far enough
away because somebody glued that float switch oily that is just covered in oil y'all can better see y'all see all this oil it is just covered in oil guys i'm back
on this one early in the morning to fix it i'm probably just going to film the
repair and show you how i plan on doing that because outside i got a lot of work to do and i'm
trying to keep the video in a watchable length so here we go on the repair i'm fixing
to start recovering freon outside and we'll get it done here we go all right so we know
our leak is right in here first i got to remove all of this and i'm probably
going to cut it right about there oh my word that's disgusting oh that's nasty oh all right let's cut this way down here um all right now that we got this all exposed
you can see what kind of job we got here and this right here was under pressure so um i'm fixing to pull this out
and we're going to redo all the way up to here uh so uh all right first i'm i'm going to swage this and make it so i can put just a
straight piece of 7 8 from here to here that was kind of tight in fact i'm gonna turn that and do it again uh there we go that made a nice wage didn't it next is to get me a piece that can go into there i'm gonna try to give this just a nice little
bend here so we won't have to use any fittings that's almost there all right um oh that deformed just a little bit i can cut this off yeah that's gonna work all right this is my final piece that fits down in there nice
might be a little too long but that's going to be much better tell you what i am going to take a little bit
off of that all right let's try this again there we go that's going to look so much better i had to make sure my nitrogen
was going like it should and i had trouble trouble
removing one of the schraders but i got it and i'm fixing to brace this off uh uh the insulation caught on fire how about that that insulation
ain't supposed to burn like that solid now i was going to put some more heat on
that but that in there started burning ah all right now i got to work on that dryer outside
and then we're going to come in and pressure test i'm testing tightness i've already done a bubble
search in this cabinet where the dryer is and it looks like we're holding pretty
good i'm fixing to check up top yes it's a little bit of a trek
going from outside to inside we are already getting down to a deep
this is my 3 8 hose i didn't have a whole lot of room over here to hook up and
i couldn't take this straighter out at all but we're moving down pretty quick
i got to clean things up up top looks better and that looks it cleaned up nice i was a little worried about that
insulation a little while ago but looks good 252 microns that feeling you get when you
know you've done a good job all right this schrader just did not want to go in it won't go in any further i tried tightening
with these and it still won't it won't budge so i do have an option of putting one of these in and unfortunately i think that's
what i'm going to have to do so so so whew so i did pressurize before i did that i um i was
able to pull this loose and have the ability to valve it off real fast and um see how much
freon was leaking out before i did that though yeah all right we are charging this up as you see
i got low low sub cooling 11 degrees super heat i put i put these on my gauges these little swivel
t's so i could do this my indoor temperature is like 73 degrees so my suction appears to be a little bit high and
my head pressure appears to be a little bit low i wanted to add that we have a txv up top all right so i found where i need to enter
this information it does have it as a txb super heat 4.3 4.4 it's coming up all right this
is where i'm leaving it i got a sub cooling of 7.8 head pressure 289.9 suction of 124 my
suction line temperature is 46 degrees so i've got a low superheat
and about average sub cooling according to the measure quick it still
thinks i need to add some more but when i've got a super heat 2.73 degrees
that thing's starting getting close to flooding back but it's like 70 degrees in
there now so i'm going to leave this as is thanks for watching guys i do appreciate
it i do have that video coming where i talk about the meters and which ones i
prefer and compare the fluke with the field piece and there's a cow wheats in there it didn't
do so well i'll give you a heads up on that but that video is coming i
appreciate y'all watching this uh the support really does surprise me
sometimes i'm gonna catch you all tomorrow and