Subscribe Forever Tech YouTube channel to get latest videos updates Assalam-u-alakum Friends! I am Nadeem Robin and you are watching our YouTube channel Forever Tech Friends we are making these videos so that you can solve problem of your Air Conditioner by watching it Today we will talk about Changhong Ruba Dc Inverter Ac Its F1 and F3 error code we will share with you And we will tell you when these error code will show on the display so What can be the problem in your Changhong Ruba Dc Inverter Ac We have discuss it in detail Friends , I always request That If you are new on our channel So Subscribe our channel And also press bell icon so that you can get upcoming videos notification So let's start the video We have turn on the unit When error code will occur So we will tell you when this error code will show on the Changhong Ruba Dc Inverter Ac display So What does it mean? And How can be it solved? F1 error code has shown on the unit display Whenever F1 error code show on the Changhong Ruba Dc Inverter Ac on Indoor unit display So What does it mean And by which reasons it comes It means in technical language it is said to be Room Temperature Sensor fault You have understand that Indoor Room Temperature Sensor has get faulted Is Short circuited Or has get opened So for its solution , you change it So your F1 error cde will disappear from the display But you have to use sensor of the same power So it will disappear from the display If after changing the sensor still error code doesn't disappear from the display So it means that your Indoor PCB can have fault So get repair its PCB And first of all check it So get repair it After repairing , F1 error code will disappear from the display First of all open the cover of Indoor unit How I have opened it After this another cover comes in it also open it So you can see the PCB below So friends I will show you that your unit PCB Room Temperature Sensor where it is attached and how it looks As you can see I have take out the PCB from the unit When you will open it So the black wire connector In white color It is its Indoor Room Temperature Sensor And it is place here , upper the coil And it looks something like this You change it so your fault from the display will disappear F3 error code has show on the unit display Whenever F3 error code occur on the Changhong Ruba Dc Inverter Ac What does it mean ? And Why it occurs In technical language it is known as Pipe Coil Sensor fault It means that your Indoor Pipe Coil Sensor has get faulted Has get opened and short circuited You will change it so your this fault will disappear from the display But if because of any reason this F3 error code doesn't go from the unit So it means that your PCB has get faulted cause of any reason So check the PCB So your this fault will disappear from the display So let me show you in unit PCB Pipe Coil Sensor where it is attach We will open the unit cover See this cover get open totally When you open the cover so then take it out So you can see its PCB on the right side Before opening the cover turn off the electric And take out the switch from the power plug So on your right side you can see the PCB So you will open it I have open the PCB This second black wire and its connector is also black Wire is also black and connector is also black So it is its Pipe Coil Sensor And it is place here This is Pipe Coil The whole we called is coil And see the sensor is attach here And see it looks something like this So open it and change it So your this fault will disappear from the display I hope you liked this video And it will be of great benefit to you so also give us benefit Not by giving us net cash but by giving like