Adam Savage’s Favorite Tools: Safe Rust Remover!

hey adam savage here in my cave with a tool tip 
that is a well it's a tool but it's a material   tool tip um i've been working with steel for most 
of the time i have been a maker i have been a   welder since 1990 and when you work with steel you 
have to deal with rust rust is just a thing that   happens it happens in major ways it happens in 
minor ways and getting rid of rust has always been   a thing that i have done in various 
ways either wd-40 or or steel wool   and i've just discovered this new product 
and it came about well here's what i'm   here's what this whole tip is about is about 
this stuff evapo rust super safe rust remover   i discovered this stuff while obsessing 
and going down the rabbit hole of watching   youtube tool restoration videos and this is like 
the bread and butter of those videos so you're   always seeing them soak a bunch of rusty parts in 
this stuff overnight and then pulling them out and   they look fantastic i bought a gallon of this 
and it worked gangbusters i actually it's hard   for me to sing the praises of this enough it's 
not like it's a miracle fluid but it is reusable   so i've got it in a bin and i've regularly put 
parts in that bin over the last couple of months   and they keep coming out the next morning like 
looking fantastic so i thought i would do a demo   for you of two different use cases one kind of 
normal one extreme to see what i'm talking about   there are plenty of rust removers 
on the market there are not a lot   that are completely environmentally friendly 
and also safe to be in contact with your skin   my parts washer i don't mind touching the parts 
washer fluid but it definitely dries out your   skin and it says on the bottle you know don't use 
don't have constant contact this does not it is   non-toxic biodegradable safe on the skin and eyes 
i'm not testing that and reusable i dig this stuff   so uh yeah the reusable is a really amazing thing 
here what i've got are two pieces that i am going   to soak overnight in the uh evapo rust one is the 
steel barrel of norm's tomatsuki blaster the blade   runner blaster this has been sitting out and as 
you can see it's got a little rust pattern on it   now like i said in the past i might have done this 
with steel wool and wd40 but what if you've got a   finish that you want to maintain what if you 
don't want a steel wool finish on your steel   that's where this comes in it is literally like a 
touchless rust remover which i really dig and then   i went upstairs and found this monstrosity 
i thought let's just see what it can do   so we're going to soak both of these uh up uh 
uh completely immersed in the evaporator rust   overnight and tomorrow morning or for you 30 
seconds from now we're going to see how we did there we go now there'll be a time lapse   of me watching this all night 
long and then i'll open it up all right it's part two time uh we are examining 
the wonderful properties of this evapo rust my new   favorite rust remover when last i left you i had 
poured some over uh uh norms to manuzuki blaster   barrel and also a crazy crazy rusty spring of mine 
and we're about to pull them out of the evapo rust   and see how they did full disclosure the results 
you're going to see happen in my experience within   24 hours this has been soaking for three days 
though um so if you end up noticing that it's   that my results are a little better than what you 
get after one night uh it may be that you want   to soak it further i have not a b tested 24 hours 
versus 72 hours so your mileage may vary but let's   crack them and see how we did i've got a weird 
little hair right there somewhere okay um yeah put   the ah there it is there is norm's blaster barrel 
and here is my spring there we go uh yeah so uh   this stuff is totally safe for skin contact um i'm 
pulling this out without any wiping i believe you   can see that it seems relatively smooth of 
any rust but let's just hit it with a cloth oh it's been it's been sitting on its base i 
probably should have pulled it after 24 hours   sorry norm um but here we go yeah i i know 
that's a little bit unfortunate but this is   it's literally the bottom of the barrel is it 
the bottom of the barrel wait wait wait yeah   that's the bottom of the barrel yeah i had it 
sitting on its left side uh at any rate the rust she is gone yeah i i love this stuff and i can 
pour this stuff right back in that bottle and   use it again um here is the spring let's this 
was the tougher use case let's see how we did this was caked in rust all 
right let's wipe this off oh yeah look at that it's just all this 
rust is pouring off of it actually hold on yeah so this is the final step for rust 
that is this intense the uh the liquid has   soaked in but there's no scrubbing 
action from the liquid um yeah that's i i you know it's not perfect but it's fantastic 
i look i love this thing for restoring old tools   this stuff is totally fantastic i am super 
happy with it and i love that it's both   reusable and that it doesn't damage my delicate 
delicate hands thank you guys for joining me for   this tool tip um by all means share pictures of 
the things you clean of rust in the comments i   am as obsessed as you are with watching 
people restore old crap on youtube   it is just an endlessly delightful genre and 
i'm glad to contribute to it if that's in fact   what this tool tip does i will see you guys next 
time stay safe thank you guys so much for watching   that entire video if you would like to support 
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