Troubleshooting & Testing Your Floor Heating System for the Season

hello and welcome to today's webinar entitled troubleshooting and testing your floor heating system for the season if you haven't noticed it's been getting chilly here in the Midwest maybe you're not in the midwest you don't know that but it is getting cold and that means it is time for people to turn their systems on for the first time my name is Scott and today I have with me Anatoly here and we're both in a technical support department and we'd like to thank you for joining us today if you have any questions feel free to ask a question you can hit the ask a question button at the bottom of the page and we'll be glad to answer that question as time permits and we have some questions that have already been sent in so that's good we'll be answering them also so today what we're going to be doing is we're going to take a look at our controls because sometimes the system just isn't um controlled correctly maybe it's not there's nothing wrong with the system per se but maybe the schedule is messed up maybe it comes on in the middle of the night instead of comes on in the middle of the day so it's very important to get the thermostat or your control system set up correctly that's why we're going to be spending time on the controls to make sure that we're all familiar with them then what we're going to do is we're going to do an initial setup with our touch thermostat which is what most people are using these days and then we'll be going over some troubleshooting and how to figure out what's going on with your floor and uh as Anatoly and I know whenever you have a problem and the floor doesn't heat and your control is good the first thing we're going to ask you is to what are the ohms of the system so if the one thing we want you to get a take away from today is to be familiar with how to do ohms readings because that is the main way to troubleshoot floor heating systems so um Anatoly tell us about the touch of programmable thermostat and why we suggest it so uh having a programmable thermostat uh that's kind of your best way to control the system and first of all to control the system efficiently and kind of get that best level of comfort uh you typically uh would want to have a thermostat in each room that you're heating that way you control each room individually meaning that you no longer need to kind of have the whole house or the whole level of the house at the same temperature and that just makes once again makes the operation easy and makes your Energy savings go up right what about showers too A lot of people like to heat showers and bathrooms why would a shower why would we recommend that a shower be on its own control uh having a shower on its own control uh pretty much may benefit uh benefit the customer to get that precise level of uh temperature because shower floors would typically have a little thicker uh sort of layering right so the temperature of the shower floor may be different and simply you know having the uh hot water running in the shower will get that floor nice and warm and uh you know you simply may not need to run that floor that long as the rest of your bathroom floor so having separate control will give you that great uh kind of dedicated level of comfort just for that floor and of course separate one for the bathroom I think the most people would feel the most impact is if they're if they've done a shower bench is getting the shower bench warm because the last thing you want to do is to sit on an ice cold shower bench and um usually those are thick and the reason why um you'd want to have its own thermostat is because you probably since it's the thicker the product you're eating the longer it takes to heat so you may want to turn that thermostat actually on a little bit earlier than the rest of the floor to make sure that it warms that seat so if you ever have to sit down on there you're not really really cold um also and it's important thing to to remember that um this type of heating is definitely a Zone control this is a situation where you don't want to put one thermostat in one room and have it control the whole house because the benefit of electric floor heat is that you can Zone each particular room and if that room is not going to be on for a week There's not going to be anybody in that room like a downstairs basement there's no reason to have it on so and that also lets you turn the temperature down in the rest of the house and warm the area that you are in so living room at night um you know Kitchen in the morning that sort of thing so it's very very important to think about that especially if you've never had radiant heat or electric radiant heat before is the ability to Zone it so talking about that what can a person expect when it comes to electric floor heating so yeah if you've never been in the room with the just nice toasty uh warm floor from electric floor heating the very first thing you're going to be noticing is first of all that comfortable temperature coming from the floor right the whole floor heats up it pretty much acts as your main heat Source you know it heats up it starts to transfer that heat into the objects in the room into the people in the room and the good thing about the radiant heat transfer it does not really heat up the air so you don't have that uh you know Hot Pocket of air sitting by the ceiling and just being lost through the cracks and stuff you just efficiently transferring that heat from the floor into that couch here into that table here and all the room kind of just gently warms up and as the objects in the room warm up they will give off warmth to the rest of the room too so that's very very important when it comes to this product the one thing I've when I've talked to a new homeowner uh with a new system is they expect to walk into a bathroom and feel hot air hitting them they expect it to be like standing in front of an oven but really it's you walk into the room and all of a sudden in two or three minutes you start to feel warm the error isn't really any warmer it's just you are a bit because the radiant floor heating is actually heating you and what's so good about this product is it's wet location listed so we can put it in shower floors and in benches so talk about these different controls that we have and what are uh we're going to be talking about them individually so kind of give us an overview here yeah so we we offer four main models of the floor heating controls starting from the uh very simple and basic and Trust model which is shown here in the lower right uh that's a non-programmable thermostat and going all the way up into our touch screen models uh with uh Wi-Fi so you can have a nice easy operation and a remote operation through your smartphone let's talk about the least expensive unit and kind of like the weird thing about this unit is the least expensive unit is usually recommended for the most expensive floors and we'll understand why that is so tell us about this entrust thermostat yeah so entrust thermostat uh like I said before that's a non programmable thermostat we also like to call it set it and forget it because uh again the operation is very simple you set it to the temperature you need and it just stays at that temperature 24 7 until you change the set point or until you just shut the unit down so it's really good for floors where that temperature should not be changed too often so like hardwood or engineered wood or laminate uh there's typically going to be some requirements some restrictions some limitations in terms of temperature swings and maximum temperature so again great unit for that uh it's also good for just areas where seasonal heating is needed or simply like uh my my perfect example would be like a guest bedroom or guest bathroom where you simply have that unit maybe running for a couple of days in the winter maybe a couple of weeks in the winter and then it just goes back to the setback temperature right so set it I didn't forget it then you know if you've ever bought um you think about heating uh hardwood floors or heating carpet some of them don't allow setback temperatures which is what a a programmable thermostat allows you to to set it for Comfort temperature when you're there and to have it go to a lower temperature when you're not there uh sometimes 10 or 15 degrees different but the thing is some flooring manufacturers say you can only change the temperature one or two or three degrees per day so that's where this unit is going to come in handy that way never changes you can set it and forget it just like he said so what about the enhancement thermostat what is the main benefit of this unit so enhanced thermostat in general that's already your kind of next level up that's a programmable thermostat gives you kind of your typical programmable schedule throughout the week so you can get uh those economy and comfort temperature set up just like Scott mentioned a moment ago uh but a kind of good feature in this unit that it can be set to work as a regulator meaning that you no longer relying on the temperature you just relying on simply a percentage of heating from a one to a hundred percent and the reason it's good is because there are lots of installations uh in the field where an older style kind of dial type regulator is installed and in case that break later fails you don't have a sensor to connect to one of those uh temperature sensing units so that particular model the enhanced thermostat going to be a great and kind of really the best replacement for it right so the regulator is the key function for this one and what we also need to make sure is everybody's aware is that the GFCI protection that's required by the National Electric Code for electric heated floors is supplied by the thermostat so every single one of these thermostats supplies the GFCI required for your floor and also that's why you never want to install a GFC API circular because you don't want a GFCI circuit breaker along with a GFCI protected thermostat so um that's what's called nuisance tripping and I don't remember if we have a slide about nuisance tripping but we might as well talk about it just real quick news and stripping is when the thermostat thinks that there's something with the wrong with the floor but there isn't usually it's something that has to do with the electric that's feeding the thermostat and sometimes that's caused by another GFCI on the same circuit also uh caused by another thermostat on the same circuit or somebody put in the notorious one is putting a an exhaust fan on the same circuit as the GFCI protected thermostat that will give you nuisance strips all the time that's really telling you there's nothing wrong with the floor there's really nothing wrong with the thermostat it's just the power it's getting isn't uh up to Snuff so kind of went off topic there a little bit but it's something that we need to talk about because a lot of the calls we get in the winter time so talk to us about this unit so Inspire touch thermostat that's uh that's our best seller that's the short thing I can definitely say about it it's the unit that people love right it's it has just one large display it's a touch screen display so operation uh on that unit is extremely easy and it's just kind of just intuitive I mean it has a menu button you go into the menu every single button has a name you know where you are you know how to make your changes you know how to save your changes you know how to just cancel and exit from the menu uh I would say 99 of the time you don't even need like an instruction on how to set it because it's just as easy as using your smartphone so again really create unit really uh simple in everyday operation or just that original setup of the unit can this unit be turned on or off that's a question we get every single day how do I turn this unit off I don't see an on off but how do they do that yeah yeah great question and we don't clearly see maybe that button right on that particular image but on the lower right corner you can see we have that uh you know that rectangle there pointing into the lower right side of the frame of the unit that's where the button is uh that's a GFCI reset button when you press it just momentarily it eventually just resets your GFCI but when you press and hold that button for about five seconds that actually shuts your unit completely down same exact process will turn the unit back on if you press and hold it yeah this time of year we get questions from people that asked us the same question in the spring how do I turn this off in the spring and then they forget what did I do again I can't remember I'm going to call you guys again and that's why we're here and simply press and hold that right side button down so that's thanks for bringing uh for for talking us through that one uh let's talk about the next unit and the Wi-Fi thermostat this looks very very similar to the other one yeah yeah very similar unit it looks the same it even has a very similar screen uh it will just have few additional indications on it but really yeah it's it's all the same screen it's all the same unit with that Simplicity uh of operation but of course in it in addition to everything we just shared about that previous model you now have that Wi-Fi connectivity so you can connect that unit to your home Wi-Fi then set up your account and pretty much get that remote control setup and of course since I was mentioning there's those additional uh indications on the screen you do have the weather indication which is you know great to get your quick weather forecast visible and it has a wireless indicator so you know if your unit is connected and in general you know it's your Wi-Fi unit right and the question we get all the time is what is that big number in the center that that temperature that shows up in the center what is that temperature is that my floor temperature yeah I like to say uh tell me what's your smaller number there on the upper left corner and the big number in the center so yeah your smaller number on the upper left that's your current room or floor temperature depending what your settings are and the larger number is your target temperature or your set one set point temperature all right so let's compare and contrast these units from to each other and from each other yeah uh great comparison chart of course you can see your Inspire touch Wi-Fi uh would kind of get all of these check marks all of these features you typically would want for your top of the line floor heating thermostat uh then and Spire touch will of course lose that uh remote control uh through the phone and then enhance model will not have the touch screen it will not have that control via phone and of course and Trust like we spoke before that's a non-programmable unit so you're just really just getting that basic simple operation uh that you sometimes need on lots of applications the main Takeaway on this uh product is if you're if you have an older thermostat and you're replacing it with one of these new thermostats the one that you can get or the two that you can get they're going to fulfill about 99.9 of the jobs and the thermostats that have historically been made um you have to worry about fluoresensor compatibility and floor sensor compatibility um means that if this is not set correctly your thermostat's not going to read the temperature correctly so that's where you're going to 99 of the stuff that we've sold over the 25 or whatever yours we've been in business have mostly been 10K or 10 it should be 10K ohms there um then some just the minute over 12K which means 12 000 ohms um so if you have a question you need to add you need to ask you need to figure that out because if you look over here this one's only compatible with 10K own sensors which means uh historically some of the old Honeywell units and then some of the newer OJ units um 10 and 12 here but you really want to go here for compatibility because you can set it custom uh just the other day I had somebody who had a 100K ohm sensor and the only way to get them a new thermostat would be one of these two so it's very important we're going to ask you if you if you didn't buy it from us where you bought it from and what type of sensor is installed so we can make sure we get you the right thermostat so talk to us about the app for the the Wi-Fi what can you do uh pretty much the app really uh reflects uh the same kind of the same approach the same interaction as your main screen of the thermostat so you can easily change your settings you can change your schedule you can just uh review the status GFCI status of your thermostat uh in general the the application is available on both IOS and Android uh you can control up to 16 thermostats on the account so that's really great for larger installations or maybe even installation in two different places you know like a main residence and vacation uh Place uh on that particular screenshot with the iPad that's a web browser approach so you can control it from a web browser as well and kind of see that nice dashboard of all of your units at a glance so again great way to control uh even if the one unit or it's 16 units right so it's a great great way to be able to control like I'm going to go home early from work oh fantastic I'm going to turn the floor up now so you can do that so let's talk about setting the system up for the first time so when you get this it's going to ask you a bunch of questions and we're going to give you the answers now because invariably we get these questions all the time I got this question how do I answer it so um what's the difference between ambient temperature and floor temperature yeah so the thermostat can be set kind of in those to the two main I would almost want to call it theory of operation right the uh it can work based on the room temperature sensor that is built in right into the unit and it's registering your room temperature your ambient temperature or it can use the floor temperature sensor that is installed on the floor and eventually feeds the information on what is the temperature of the actual floor so here's a couple of really good examples on this operation so if the thermostat is set to ambient the floor won't heat if the room air temperature is above the set point that just simply going to result in cold floors if room temperature controllers required of course you would want to set it to ambient but then on the other end if the worm floors are desired no matter the air temperature in the room let's just say you want to maintain a good 82 degree temperature for you know for the whole evening long or in all the morning times you would want to set it to floor that's when once again the system going to be using that input from a floor temperature sensor it will know what the temperature of the floor is and maintain that precisely so the thing is we hear from people who um set it for ambient in the summertime their floors are cold when they take a shower because the shower the room has gotten awfully warm just by being the summer for one thing and taking a shower at the second uh so it's exceeded the the set point for the ambient temperature so the forest stays cold well we know that probably 80 85 percent of our business has been to sell to people who want warm bathroom floors that's what the Lions share of our customers are looking for so if you want to make sure that you have warm floors in your space the best thing to do is to set the product for floor because that's the temperature that you want to adjust and control now we have a question here we have a few questions and we have a sensor a floor sensor here and um I'm going to read this question Anatoly and I know I've received this same question a hundred times and I'm sure you have too um the and and I'm pretty sure that you're going to have the answer right off the bat this is a test so the temperature under this is from uh Rick Rick says the temperature under a small rug in our bathroom floor is very warm very toasty but the rest of the floor is only warm and not to the same degree what is happening why doesn't the floor exposed to the air feel is warm and I've got a couple ideas because it's probably two things that have a lot to do with it yeah but what would you say to Rick when he's got really warm space under a rug and the rest of the floor doesn't feel as warm yeah yeah very good question and it's good that we actually get that question from Rick that's a really great example so for me personally kind of two two lights lit up here first of all one uh thing is definitely any floor uh any heated floor uh that has you know a section that is covered by a rug or covered by uh clothing covered by a basket will simply trap heat right so that heat doesn't escape anywhere that heat just being trapped there and warms up the floor more warms up everything what's on top of it more so if you lift it up yes it's definitely going to be very warm very toasty uh the question why not the rest of the floor is warm even if you may be setting that to a warmer temperature could be another sort of coincidence if that floor sensor we're talking about is installed right in the same spot where that dragons what happens then is that floor sensor reads that high temperature so theoretically that floor sensor can read that it's 90 degrees but if you setting your floor to be nice and again 82 85 degrees going to be nice and warm but if you're setting that to 85 which is below that level that the sensor is already reading that would simply mean that floor may even never kick on right so it could be a combination of those two things yeah if you if you set the temperature for 88 and the thermostat is under the rug that area is going to get 88 where the rest of the floor may only be 80.

and the system is going to be tricked it's going to go oh Force sensor says it's 88 I'm going to turn off now meanwhile the rest of the floor is cold that's also another reason why you wouldn't want to win stall with a sensor in your floor in an area that gets hit by sunlight because what happens is sunlight in the afternoon or the afternoon or the morning or whatever it is comes in and hits that spot where the thermostat sensor is that particular spot feels 85 degrees so the rest of the floor controller turns off the rest of the floor is ice cold and that's what you have going there so you might have one or two things going on there Rick fantastic question um you're trapping heat and we always try to say stay away from foam-backed rugs because foam has a lot of air in it and air is an insulator so you'll want to either move that rug somewhere else eliminate it or get a rug that doesn't have a pre-attached foam back to it those are the secrets so what I would do is I would just try getting rid of that mat um you know we get questions all the time but I want to put this in my dining room but I want to cover the entire floor with a rug and then we have to ask well why would you do that because you just paid to get your floors warm and the rug's going to trap all the heat so that's kind of what's going on there Rick and hopefully you have a couple of things to try that's your homework assignment for tonight so thank you so much for asking that question oh and I just hit the wrong button uh uh okay fantastic I was scared there for a second that's never happened to me before so uh let's talk about setting the thermostat up correctly because historically we've had a lot of questions about this and it can affect the way your floor works that's why we're talking about it and troubleshooting because there might not be something wrong with your floor it could be that the thermostat's set incorrectly so get us started out here what's the first step yeah so uh the great thing about those uh touch screen and touch screen Wi-Fi models is that the very first time you start that unit up it could be uh homeowners doing that could be an electrician doing that for the very first time the unit will actually guide you through a list of simple questions to pretty much get those essential things set up you know get your language set up get your uh to do a system test get your flooring type uh put in so that the the the goal here really is that the thermostat does all that for you you don't need to sort of get a manual and go into the menu and search through you know number of settings to ensure you get everything uh set up right everything is checked once again thermostat does that for you it takes pretty much less than a minute and then it just gonna give you a message that would say something like your system is ready to heat the floor so that's just how how simple and great it all is is so here we can see where we've done uh we have the three parts of the system being tested the thermostat passes the air room floor sensor passes but the floor the floor sensor says fail what can cause that yeah floor sensor fail would be an indication when the thermostat uh brain I'm going to call it just done feel don't sense that floor sensor being connected could be a number of reasons could be simply that maybe uh this wires are just connected to the incorrect terminals it could be that the sensor may be just not connected at all or it could be that maybe that sensor get damaged so one of those things will definitely trigger that floor sensor fail indication which is again good thing to see that ahead of time and see that there is a problem to start kind of troubleshooting that there's also one other big big failure here and that is people forgot to install the floor sensor so if they forget to install the floor sensor we're going to be talking about that a little bit later so we're going to continue on and um let's talk about how to test the GFCI this elicits a bunch of phone calls because people don't really understand what we're doing here so kind of explain that to us I got a bad connection here for a second but I can uh catch up on testing the GFCI and that's that's it I want to say maybe a little tricky message but the actual process is very simple you uh get to that point the system gonna uh the screen gonna tell you press the button on the top and that's actually a tripping button like a test trip button so when you're pressing that button the unit is being tripped by its by itself because you pressing a button it will give you a standard message that would say pretty much you know your GFI trip uh reset your system if it doesn't doesn't help contact the electrician but once again there's nothing to worry about here because you actually doing the trip yourself it's not like your system trip because something happened you did the trip yourself all you need to do is hit the side button that we talked about earlier it will reset it and again it's long as it reset it will just go back to normal to the rest of that Setup Wizard and that's why we'll ask you if you ever claim what this question will ask when did it come up did it come up when you were setting the unit up did it come up when you're testing the button by pushing it at the top or did you just show up one day and it was it was showing you that message if you push the button or if you're doing the setup that's normal you're supposed to get that message so I think this one's pretty self-explanatory it lets you choose between Fahrenheit and uh Celsius and what about the distributor ID we get questions about this all the time yeah distributor ID is going to be just a unique step for specifically Nspire touch Wi-Fi model because that's the number and again that number is actually 10266 you can see it right on the screen but that number what uh gives us sort of the connection between uh your thermostat and the database so we can see let's just say if you call it a year later to ensure your unit is set up or maybe you need to reset the password or one of those things we can find your unit in our database assist you in the best and most efficient way fantastic so the answer to that is uh 10266.

So setting floor load what is my floor load how do I know this there's two different things here one of them is this a replacement thermostat and one of them is is this a new installation why is that a different answer yeah uh if it's a new installation and if you have any paperwork or simply any connection to this project uh we can always find that number for you or even you may have that number already in front of you because it's right on the installation plan so we kind of show here on the lower right corner and that's actually where you will find it on your installation plan page uh the floor load is shown for every single system uh but to describe it more floor load is simply amount of Watts the wattage of your floor heating system you know either it's 500 watts or 700 Watts but here it's shown in kilowatts so you just need to divide that by a thousand so that would be your kind of example for a new installation if you're just replacing the thermostat for an older installation and let's just say you don't have any paperwork or you just don't want to start looking for one don't worry about it simplest skip that number because uh skip that setting I meant because that that setting really has nothing to do with the operation or performance this is simply to kind of track how many watts of electricity you use so let's say if you specifically kind of keeping track of that you can check it up a month later and see that number right so it has nothing to do with the operation a lot of people say oh I my system's really 1100 watts and I only put 600 watts and does that mean it's not going to get as warm it has nothing to do with the way it Heats because our thermostat it turns on and off it doesn't regulate voltage so there's nothing that that number has to do with anything so keep that in mind it just and just a FYI real quick if your floor is 1100 Watts that's 1.1 kilowatts if your floor is 700 Watts that's points seven very very simple to figure that out so let's talk about how is the Wi-Fi unit different yeah another uh simple step here in the uh Wi-Fi unit is set up it does not actually ask you for the floor load number by default because it has additional piece of Hardware in it that actually detects that number for you so as soon as your system starts running it actually detects if it's uh you know 0.7 kilowatt uh system or it's 1.1 kilowatt system so just leave it on that means that power meter gonna stay on and uh go to the next step because it will do all this calculation for you okay and here's where we talked about the sensor before and here's where you get to choose it and if your floor doesn't heat correctly or if it Heats strange or it gets to a certain point and then won't go any higher probably has something to do with this setting so what is the sensor type here um and why is the Red Dot next to default yeah my my simple answer for any calls like that I would always ask uh did you install the floor sensor uh that came with your package and that would simply mean uh that's a 10K default uh sensor and that's the selection you would want to keep because eventually it's already pre-selected for you uh the only other time like Scott mentioned uh earlier in the slides today the only time you may need to select 12 or custom if you know that there is a different type of sensor was installed for that existing system that maybe was installed 10 years ago and you have that specific sensor information or maybe you you recall or you have eventually that older style thermostat by you so we can work with you over the phone and kind of uh estimate what sensor that might be so the question comes what do I set it at leave it where it's set leave it at default 99.9 percent of the time that's going to be the answer you are going to be looking for so what about the um this temperature limit this is once again your temperature won't get to it past a certain point you set it for 87 it'd only gets to 82.

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um why is that that's always going to be because of the this particular setting that's a floor protection setting and again I really perfectly to be honest uh I love that we have a thermostat that has that setting because that's what's going to protect your floor if it's all set right and if your flooring has a specific floor protection limitation so if you do have a laminate and your laminates floor protection limit is 82 degrees yes leave it at laminate uh if you have some other type of flooring maybe like a vinyl flooring or carpet that may have a different uh temperature limit but eventually there is still one go to custom set your specific custom floor protection level and uh that way you maintaining your uh you know requirements that the flooring manufacturer gives you but in many cases probably what 80 90 percent of the floor heating will have a tile floor on top of it that's where you really want to make sure you don't skip that setting or don't have your installer skip that setting because as you can see on the screen default selection is laminate so if you just quickly kind of go in through the setup wizard make sure you don't skip that one because just like Scott mentioned a moment ago if you're uh if you have a tile floor you set it to 87 degrees but it just stays at 82 or barely under 82 that is very likely because that setting was uh skipped so yeah check that out you can always access that setting back in the menu even after the installation and adjust it yeah we also get a question because they're in here and that they will set for tile Max 104 and it's because tile doesn't really have a limit and so what that 104 is is the maximum temperature that you can program it does not mean that your individual floor is going to get up to 104.

Some floors can't do that some floors over a very cold area with poor insulation and three exposed three exterior walls with a lot of um overhead like with a fireplace or with skylights that sort of stuff that floor literally can't get to 104. but 104 is the maximum that you can program it for so always when you're buying carpet when you're buying laminate when you're buying lvt is check and see what the maximum temperature is and then enter that on the system and that way you will not void your warranty on your flooring so let's talk about scheduling because back in the old days as soon as October 15th hit we would get hundreds and hundreds of phone calls from people saying how do I program my thermostat and and in the in the five years or so that we've been selling this unit very rarely do we get any calls about programming because it's just so much simpler than the old up down choose okay up down okay you know running through menus that sort of stuff this is so much easier you can literally change this by just taking your finger and pressing the time and that will open up like if you press that like 6 a.m number one if you press the 6 a.m part it opens the window and what does that let you do oh I mean it's just it's just that that scheduling like you said it's so so great and simple on this unit I like how you pointed out about going up and down and getting all these things done the worst part there and it's just just my my memory is you go through the whole setup you click the wrong button and then you need to start over again that that's the thing that you don't want to do and again you don't need to do that on those touch screen units because once again as soon as you go into your scheduling menu which we're showing right here all you need to do is you only need to tap and adjust the time and the temperature on the time slots you really need to make that change you don't need to kind of go through the whole schedule you don't need to go through all of those temperatures you simply tap at the time slot you need like maybe that 6 a.m uh time is too early for you you tap it you change it to 7am you change your temperature maybe to 85 Degrees hit a check mark save it and within again and another five seconds of your time you can click that copy button and copy that to the rest of the days of the week typically if you're just uh quick with the touch screen technology you're probably going to get that schedule done uh within a minute or for a couple of extra seconds so just so much so much easier to program and just keep a note that the these numbers the color didn't really transfer very well in our presentation but like one and two are red three and four are grayed out which means they're not active you see an X next to them and then three and uh then five and six are green or sorry the the dots are red but you have the green check mark and then you can work through each day so it's very very simple um like night and day con considering that so hopefully we learned a little bit something about the importance of getting the thermostat up correctly that's why we spent the time on this and we because a lot of the times we get phone calls there's nothing wrong with the system it's just that it's simply set wrong or the temperature limit is too low and they had a tile floor but they set it for laminate um they wanted floor temperature but they set ambient if you use at your floor if you set your room to ambient it's going to act really weird because your floor make may feel warm when it's supposed to it may not once again the most important important thing to do is schedule it and set it for floor temperature because that's going to give you the most reliable operation so let's talk about testing before a winter and what's going on with this slide so testing before winter really gives you that uh simple Peace of Mind knowing that your system is up and running it's ready to maintain temperature the daytime schedule uh all these basic things are set right so your simplest way to start your testing would be just get your unit up and running dial the temperature to some higher number or to a particular set point that you usually use during the winter give it an hour or two let that floor uh gently warm up if it's all nice and warm simply speaking that's all you need to do you can always hit your ground fault test button just to ensure your crown fold is functioning properly it will once again give you that message that your ground fault uh detected again ignore it because you are the one who just hit that so it's not like it just happened on its own just hit your side button it will reset it and you're good to go so once again the ground fault error we have a question here from Brenda and she says if my control says ground fault error should I be turning it off and getting an electrician to look at it the simple answer to that is just try resetting the thermostat because you may have a nuisance trip so what you can do there is you can press the button on the side uh real short and see if it clears it if it doesn't you can press and hold the button down for five seconds that'll turn the unit off you can go to the speaker you can turn the circuit breaker off for about 30 seconds just like resetting a router turn your circuit breaker back on and then press and hold the button on the side of the thermostat for five seconds that should kick it on nine times is out of tender if it doesn't clear it then you may have a you you may have trouble with the um with the system uh in the floor so um it's always going to amount to ohms whenever you have an issue and you find out that it's not your thermostat the first thing you're going to do is you're going to do ohms testing on the floor this ohms test can be done with a 15 digital ohmmeter volt meter that you can buy at any big box store for under twenty dollars and you don't want to get when those analog ones don't waste your time if it has a needle on the front it's saying no no no don't buy me because you do not want to use one of those they're very difficult to use so what you want to do is you want to go out and find a digital ohmmeter that has a range where you can set the range with a knob on the front you we want to try to stay away from self-ranging meters so that's what you want to take a look at so we're going to talk about ohms and this is going to answer a bunch of questions that we've already received one question was from uh uh Arlene um how do I detect if there's a break in The Wire it's by doing this test we're going to show you right now so Arlene that is going to do that we can send you the guide that shows you exactly how to do that if you'd like you can always give us a call um Dwayne S I need to find a break or find out if I have a break in my floor that I installed long ago once again olds and you don't have to rip up the floor to get to the ohms the ohms the measurements you're going to be doing are going to be right at the back of the thermostat so all you have to do is take the thermostat out of the wall disconnect and turn the circuit breaker off disconnect the wires coming from the floor up to the thermostat and that's where you're going to be doing your test you're not ripping anything up you just take the thermostat out of the wall killing the circuit breaker and then disconnecting and testing the wires coming up from the floor so that is uh an answer to Dwayne's question also Bill asked the same question my I asked the floor to go to 78 but it's only getting to 72.

Ohms test um and you can see that's the Lions question the Lion's Share of the questions we get every day is my floor isn't heating what do I do test for ohms so let's go ahead and talk about that and um let's see if there are any more questions there's there's a couple questions on tap here we're going to get to them but uh when we're going to talk about them when we get to the I did it again when we get to the section that we answered though so it's about the um the testing there's two kinds of wires that we've sold historically twin conductor and single conductor twin conductors goes back about 10 years maybe a 9 or 10 or 11 years this is what if you have a system that's less than 10 years old this is what you have so talk to us about this yeah twin conductor system is uh you know it's easy to recognize you generally would have especially if it's just one mat you will have just one wire kind of like a shown here that will have two conductor inside typically black and black on one side yellow or red on the other side and the crown sheathing that just kind of surrounds that it will usually be hooked up to your house ground the as soon as you see that type of combination of the wire you know it's a twin conductor system and you simply would need to do three tests you would test between those two conductors that's going to be your test or step number one then you will test between one conductor and a ground and the second conductor in the ground so that's going to be your test number two and test number three these are the three main numbers that we need to get started and again then as soon as you call us with those numbers that's going to give us just like ninety percent of information to continue your troubleshooting yeah and we'll ask people for their ohms readings and they'll get back to us and give us the reading across the black to yellow or the black to red and then they'll stop well that's only as we can see that's only a third of the information we need because testing from black to ground and testing from yellow or red to ground is going to tell us that's very important that's going to tell us if we have a short so you can't just say yellow to Black was this or red to Black was this and be done we want to find out if there's a short somewhere down the line because that's where you get gfcis is a ground fault it's seeing leakage going to ground and that sometimes is a nuisance but sometimes it's real and the only way to find out a ground problem is to go from red to Red to ground yellow to ground or black to ground so let's take a look take okay memorize this cable memorize what it looks like right now because now we're going to move on to the next kind and you can see there's a fundamental difference here between these wires what's the difference so now we're talking about a single conductor your main difference is that for one single net you're now going to have two wires and that's eventually why we call it single conductor because there's only one conductor in each wire so it's almost like start and the end right you have two separate wires the testing process will be very similar in a way because you're still really testing the same combination the same information that you're trying to get you're going to test between the two conductors first or I should say between two inner conductors then you're gonna test between the two outer ground sheetings here so you can see that kind of your test number two that's going to be your ground to ground test and then you're gonna do two more tests where you will take one wire and test it between the inner conductor and the outer sheathing and do identical thing on your second wire test between inner conductor and the outer sheeting so in this particular test with this type of system you're going to have four results four numbers that we'll need from you to once again get that full scope to get that full piece of information yeah in the old days the match especially because we only sold mats back then for floor heating is was that the 13 foot cable that went to the beginning of the mat then there was a 26 foot cable designed to get from where that mat ended on the other side of the room and to run it back along the wall and to come up to the thermostat um and that's where those two separate wires are one from the front and one from the rear so that's what we're going to be looking for it's never just one reading it's multi full readings and we can send you that guide to show you how to do that if you have problems with your floor heat if you have GFI if you're any of those things ohms test is going to tell you a lot and that's the first thing we're going to ask you anyway when you call us so you might as well have that because you go I you know I watch those guys and oh that's right I'm going to need Ohm's reading so even if you went to our website at and clicked in the word om in the search that's ohm in the search at the top of the screen it'll give you the the forms that you need to fill out to fix those or to find those so how do you test and once again this is testing the environment system this is our system that goes under laminate but it holds true for temp Zone also it also holds true for snow melting because all of our leads are pretty much uniform now and back in the day they were hodgepodge but now they're all pretty much the same they're going to follow the same color coding and they're going to look at the same because they're a single conductor system so testing the environment system let's talk about it real quick yeah so all of these products Scott just mentioned these are all going to be twin conductor system approach you're going to have two conductors one ground you're gonna do three tests so once again very uh identical process to what we uh just uh watched in the you know two slide earlier once again twin conductor testing quarter core quarter ground second quarter ground and these are the three numbers that we need from you yeah so it's very important and you can tell this is from the old days of when I was a hand model um as you can see that I'm pointing to something there on the meter and what I'm pointing to is the 200 range remember we talked about the range setting on your on your uh digital ohmmeter ideally you want to have the 200 range so you can set the knob to 200 ohms and you also want to have a knob that you can set to 20K ohms 20K means 20 000 because what would the 20 000 reading be for why would we need that that would be a good setting to test the floor sensors so as soon as you hear K and we talk about K ohms when we were talking about those sensors remember 10K ohm 12K ohm so that's going to be that perfect uh setting on your meter to uh to to read the resistance on thousands and thousands of ohms right so the one thing about we talked about self-ranging meters self-ranging meters their Achilles heel is they will usually find the 200 range stuffs but when you hook it up to your Force sensor it'll say I've got zero I have ol or one I have infinity and you know Anatoly can tell you we get that response all the time and that's simply because the self-ranging meter hasn't found the 20K range it doesn't know where to look so if you do have one of those and you're stuck with a self-ranging meter try pressing the range button while you're holding the wires on there so get a friend hit range range range until it finds the right range manually that's why we say get one of these inexpensive meters you can set it to 200 or set it to 20K when we have some other questions we break out the big tools and what is this tool do so that's a mega ohm tester there's there's like probably a good two or three more names for it the insulation tester going to be another name a more kind of nickname going to be a mega but what that tool does it tests it still tests resistance right it's still testing your resistance but the uh you know the fundamental difference here is that this unit will send like a 500 volt signal between those two wires to test it precisely and to test it even if there is a tiny gap between the wires the regular meter that we've just seen in the previous slide that just uses a standard nine volt battery so you know imagine a a wire with some short and there is a you know microns you know few microns of gap between the wires that nine volt battery is not going to be enough to Simply detect that that 500 volt signal that the Mega ohm tester we'll be sending will most likely going to be just uh you know enough to jump through and detect and tell you yes there is a fault yes you have a short right enough GFCI is doing is looking for leakage online leakage online means you have the two wires that are carrying voltage we want to see if any of it leaks to the ground and that's what it's testing nine volts isn't enough to make it jump through that little Gap like we talked about and sometimes people will say their system works for about a half an hour until it gets hot and the gfis what's that that's a good one I actually didn't have that in a while but yeah that's I mean think about the electric heating wire if it's cold uh it has one distance between those wires nothing moves nothing changes and you're doing your test there's no short Everything feels fine looks fine right as soon as you start turning on that system that wire heats up and it just start to expand and eventually one string of that wire at a certain temperature touches the core wire eventually the core and ground short appears and it trips so again with the temperature things are changing and that's where once again that Mega ohm testing can be very handy to kind of confirm or deny that particular issue so um Asia or Asia or I'm not I'm I apologize if you're watching if I mispronounced your name I I'm sorry but uh this person has a great question why are only certain spots on my floor warm While others are are cold and that means that you're walking across the floor and there's a cold area there a cold area not if you have a giant installation and half of your floor is cold and half of it's hot we know what that is it's because one cable or one mat isn't heating up but if if you're walking across the floor and you feel a cold spot then a warm spot and a cold spot this is a call that is pretty much answered by getting a tool that's going to let you see this and what tool is that that would be a thermal camera or thermal imaging device pretty much you know once again few names in the industry for that but it's the device that gives you that visual picture of what the surface temperature is so simple example on on the uh image on the upper right here you can see kind of the heating coil and you see the spot that is like bright red Almost White that just simply means you know that one spot is uh almost 66 degrees while the rest of the floor is roughly in 50s so once again that's that's a great tool that Imaging device to find these kind of find that heat signature to find this temperature difference so if we take a look at the top ins picture and we take a look at the bottom picture what is the bottom picture record of representing Quantum picture seems to be like a a good heating element that heats up throughout the whole length at least to the you know through the range we see in the picture but you can clearly see that this heating element is very likely not installed right there is uh cold spots there's uneven kind of coverage on even installation and that's going to be a immediate direct result uh why there might be certain spots that are called if you see on that scale kind of to the right you can see that blue bluish area on the upper left is like 69 degrees while the rest of the floor is nice and warm in about 86 85 Degrees yes that's going to be very noticeable and once again that's just most likely improper installation and that's literally these cold areas are literally two or maybe three inches apart from the hot area so this is why you can't put a heated mat in the center of a room and expect it to heat the whole floor it won't do that you only get heat where there's heating cable and you can see that we're going from the mid 80s here to the 70s here inches an inch or two away this is definitely a sign of a poorly installed job where there's too much space if you buy one of our heated rolls that our temps own heated rolls that's why the wire is attached every three inches because it gives you uniform spacing the temperature really only maybe goes about an inch to an inch and a half laterally from The Wire so if you have two wires three inches apart you're going to have a nice even spread an inch and a half from this wire and an inch and a half from this wire and that's what gives you a nice uh warm area and you can see down here in the right corner where it's installed correctly you can see how that's all a nice warm area here we get to the blue spots where it's cold so for people that aren't very experienced at Reading thermalages this thermal image on the top is actually what it does is it overlays a real picture with the picture of the thermal uh image and if we look really carefully here we can see some lines going from side to side and up and down that are kind of darker than the rest of the force I'm talking about if you can see a line here then there's a line here what does this picture representing so I can definitely see a nice square tiles here and those lines will be the crowd lines so what happens in grout lines Why is the grout line a dead giveaway as to what's happening here so yeah on this picture just to kind of jump in a little bit ahead on this picture we have we are kind of like in the middle of the troubleshooting and there is a hot spot detected it's just like we discussed before you could see that bright red Almost White uh signature that's your hot spot that was uh you know that was shown to us as a result of using the troubleshooting tools but that spot is shown right on the crowd line meaning that there was damage down to that uh cable and it's you know nine times out of ten that damage was done when cleaning the grout and you know that sharp uh tool knife was just uh slicing that cable that's that's again that's what most likely happened here so there's a difference between you know installation damage and the incorrect installation we've got one of each here what we actually do here is I think we actually have heated up a short and where the short goes you can see that the wire goes okay back and forth back and forth and gets to a spot and stops that's usually what happens when we're heating a short we're going to be talking about that here in just a little bit and here are the magic tools these tools are very very expensive most people don't have these tools but we do so if someone has a problem with their floor they've done the ohms readings and find out that they have a short or find out that they have an open circuit that means something's going on in the floor the number one misconception that we get from people when they have even the smallest problem with their floor is they immediately think oh geez I'm going to have to rip up my entire floor and reinstall it and there couldn't be anything further from the truth you do not need to rip up your floor if you run into a problem that's what these tools are for these tools will let you find that specific problem and you can see we can actually lit up this one two main probably two tiles here make this repair and the system is working again so we're not ripping up the whole floor we're ripping up one or two tiles so describe to us what these parts are and what they do yeah yeah so uh digital multimeter I'm going to start with the easiest one because we already covered that that's your number one tool to get things started to understand if you're dealing with a break that's really step number one and then understand if you're dealing with like a complete break like an open circuit or maybe it's a short circuit when you have that resistance between a core wire and a ground wire so if you do have a short circuit your simplest method to uh to approach that would be to heat up that short circuit with a variac Transformer the variac Transformer just uh has that dial on top and you can simply send a low voltage electricity into that short circuit and achieve the exactly effect we were showing on that thermal image a moment ago you simply going to heat up the short you're gonna easily see that with the thermal camera and hopefully be down with with with that type of a problem within within an hour or two right so just interrupt real quickly normally normally to get floor heat you're going to be testing across the red and the black or the yellow and the black to to make the floor heat if you have a short circuit what you're doing is you're actually setting up a heating circuit between one of those wires and ground you're hooking them together and that's what's causing it to heat up to that spot so you're not hooking up red and red and black you're heating up red to ground or black to ground and that's what's going to make it stop at that particular spot so what's the high pot tester for so high pot tests are going to be the tool you would uh typically be using or starting to use if you do not have a short circuit and you simply need to create one or you need to just create a hotspot and the hypotester is uh you know a tool that sends up to 2500 volts of electricity so first of all that's not the tool that you know an average homeowner want to get and just start troubleshooting the floor you want to have a license electrician working with that and simply by supplying these short uh short bursts of electricity like two seconds on two seconds off you can get that uh Gap that break or that fault arcing and every time it arcs it generates heat so again maybe 5 10 15 minutes of that arcing will give you that heat signature again or it may just create a short and then you switch to variac Transformer perfect so let's take a look at the old way of troubleshooting which kind of doesn't really do a lot for us these days except to tell us if the problems at the beginning of the cable or at the end because that's about all it's worth these days if you don't have an installation plan if you have an installation plan we can use it however the other tools that we showed can find and show you the exact spot this tool will only give you an approximation of where it is so if you put this and if you use this tool that says I testing this wire we have instructions to show you how to do this I'm going to test this why it says the problem is 16 feet away I know the problem is right around the thermostat somewhere if it tells me their fault is 270 feet away that tells me it's on the other side of the room and that's where I'm going to take my thermal camera and look I'm going to take my camera and look in that area this isn't really going to help me locate the spot it's not a toner toners don't really work with with troubleshooting floors we get that question Time by toner and the answer to that is no you're not going to get any results with a toner so that's what this tool does it limits your ability to find it by just saying it's at the beginning or it's at the end of The Wire so let's talk about identifying the location with the tools now uh go ahead and talk about this slide yeah so uh it's always good to repeat you know with those high voltage tools you really want to have an electrician working with that and uh following one of those methods we uh just described eventually you can pinpoint that good spot or that maybe one tile or two tiles where the problem is get that tile removed you can always redo the test because it doesn't really take much time you can redo the test and get even more clear more sharp and precise uh spot where where that is like in this particular uh you know in this particular layer of thinset so doing that will really give you that uh exact location so you know where to Chisel out the more of that thin set get the wire repaired and be done with that great now that leads into one of the questions we had from Arlene Arlene has um had a spot like this uh she had a system for many years two years ago one side of the floor heated one side of the didn't we're going to talk about that here in just a couple slides but um she got the equipment before uh to find the break and the tough ceramic tile um what we see is once people get this uh and they do the repair there there's a couple things that can happen afterwards causing it to fail again and one of them is you can only find one spot at a time using this tool you're going to find the first weak spot and you can repair it and then you test it to make sure the rest of the mat is good if you don't do that test if you find the spot you assume that's the only spot that there is you make your repair and put the tile back down and then you come back a week later and that side doesn't work it's telling you that we saw a picture of that where you where they cut into the grout line it could be there's another spot that was a little weak and then you know it is now failed or it could be that the repair that was done has failed um I've gone out personally repaired dozens of those where the repair that was done was done with electrical tape I'm not saying this job was but I'm just saying people that I've followed and I prepared product after I have repaired many repairs um so what has happened is one of two things probably the possibly the repair has failed it worked for a while and then it quit or the bad spot was found they stopped and they fixed it and then they covered it up but they didn't know at that point that there was another problem somewhere down the line so what it's going to come down to Arlene is doing ohms again we're going to start all over again with ohms and we're going to find that next spot and we're going to fix it or maybe it's the same spot and fix it so that's what we're going to do with that and you have the more we want you to give us a call at um our toll-free number and be glad to answer that question for you and work with you to continue to find that spot so very very good question there thank you so let's go on to this next slide and we're running out of time so we're going to try to to make this as succinct as possible um how does a variac and thermal camera work together this is going to be for a short yeah yeah that's uh that's almost uh just a more schematical uh representation of that picture we were showing earlier but yeah we heating is short meaning that we just supplying the low voltage between your main wire and the ground wire it creates a circuit it Heats to a point where that short is it's not going to heat past that point so the easiest way to find it you're going to see that you know outline of your heating wire it's going going and then it just stops no more heat after that the point where it stops is the point you want to Market with a piece of tape because that's where the short is now what I like to do is I like to look at this screen because this one looks a lot like that but it's not the same issue is it yeah that definitely does not look like a same issue and that seems to me like a normal system that actually works just fine but something was not done right here in terms of planning and of course the simple hint which we already show in the picture is that on your upper left area uh or sorry on the upper left side of the picture here is non-insulated area meaning that there was a floor heating system installed throughout the whole room but that particular Corner was uh not covered with the insulation first on a concrete snap of course and that's where you can see that you have that immediate effect your floor heating in that area still works but it just doesn't heat the surface to the temperature as the rest of the floor so this is where people say why do I really need that Sarah's orb I've gotta I'm going to put this on my basement floor do I really need it well do you want a floor that feels not cold or do you want to feel a form of a floor that feels warm it's completely up to you but if you don't put insulation down you're not going to get the temperature response that you're looking for so now we have a question uh we had a question earlier about one side of my floor works and one side doesn't not cold spots but one hole side doesn't work and one whole side does that's what the next three uh slides are going to do and what do we see here here yeah nine I would say again nine times out of ten that type of question will all will be valid when there's a system with multiple heating Maps let's just make it simple and call it two heating mats uh if it's two heating mats you still can have a very high chance your thermostat is working everything is right there your mat number one is working because you know we know a part of your system works uh but the other half or the other side of the floor is not working because it's covered by another mat and that mat may just have a problem or maybe that mat is not connected I mean one of those things so once again circling back doing the OM test so how do you know if it's a problem with the control or the product in the floor ohms it's always it's coming to homes remember that word ohm go to put it in the search field and you'll see everything there is to know about ohms so that's where you're going to see where this product is there's possibly this product you can see there's a thermostat over here and the thermostat controls a couple of other a few other power modules because this is such a big installation the thermostat can only handle 15 amps so every other 15 amps that you have in the floor has to be controlled separately with another control these talk to each other with a low voltage connection but they need to have their own individual power supply coming from the circuit breaker so if we looked at this particular job there's one two three four controls that means four circuit breakers feeding this but they all need to talk to each other so let's talk about how they talk to each other because if they don't talk to each other one will come on and off on and off and the other ones will just sit there not do anything and this is why explain to us what's here yeah so uh on this diagram we can see that all the way to the left that's the uh thermostat uh unit that's your main control that's what you're going to be using to do all your interaction and setup and everything and the two units to the right are those power module devices that sort of handle that additional load additional 15 amps additional 15 amps and uh on the lower portion of that diagram you can see the front of these uh devices of the thermostat and the modules and there are four terminals a b c and d the let's start with a very simple the C and D is eventually where you connect your floor sensor you just connect it there you're done with that you have a and b left so A and B is what you're going to be using to connect it to the power module and the important part here don't just grab two wires connected A A and B to C and D on the net next unit you want to follow the polarity you want to connect the wire from terminal a to Terminal C and from wire from terminal B to Terminal D like Delta that way you have the right wiring and now if you do that the same approach from first module which is in the middle here to the second module which is on the right you're now going to have the whole system working together as just one large system so as soon as you come home you dial your dial your temperature up the whole system comes on now what if somebody calls up and says my floor when I turn the thermostat on this part's really warm but the other side is cold when the thermostat turns off the other start part starts to heat up there's something cockamamy something completely blowing my mind what could possibly is my house going to catch on fire am I going to is a meteor going to hit us what is causing this to happen that would be very likely the concern when uh the low voltage wiring that I just discussed that a to c b2d was not followed in other words when wire from a is Maybe by mistake connected to D and wire from B connected to C so that's when those two sides of the system or those two devices is going to be sort of doing the opposite thing yeah just opposite operation One turns off the other one turns on One turns on the other turns off that's because it's wired backwards and we get this all the time all the time we get this so what we're going to do is we're going to go into a couple really easy troubleshooting things and then we're going to wrap up so there are some hard and fast rules when it comes to these thermostats we've sold these thermostats for 20 plus years there's thousands and thousands and thousands of them out there they last forever but when they don't last forever there's some dead giveaways to what is causing the problem with the floor so talk about this thermostat um I like to call it the pb112 because that's what people see when they take the face plate off they see pb112 which stands for power base but what's the thermostat really called the thermostat is called the it's a th115 series we also called it smart stat uh that's just going to be another kind of indications or names that you can identify it of course simple way to identify you know if you're trying to call us and tell us about that unit just tell us that's the unit with the door on on the left and the right side will know right away what uh model you're talking about but uh as Scott mentioned the easiest kind of symptoms or information you can give us would be uh just a typical operation like what happens with the unit and you know if it's a unit that is 10 years old and like Scott said those we have those tons of these units in the fields that are operating just fine for 20 plus years but if you call us and tell us I have this number 14 2 then 15 1 then everything flashes up and the same thing Cycles over and over we just historically knows that's a historical symptom that we know that the unit just needs to be replaced it's just something went wrong with electronics or it's again there is no exact explanation for it but booting up it's booting up it's just rebooting over and over and we just know this unit needs to be replaced there's nothing you can fix there's nothing you can reset with that another probably uh number one or number two scenario that could happen you know it's a fall time here everybody's starting the unit on uh you've found uh that on off switch behind the uh the left side door you turn it to on nothing happens the screen stays blank uh the first thing you want to do go check out your breaker reset it maybe the breaker is off maybe the breaker was tripped reset it first make sure there's power to it if it's still blank again very likely you have the unit that needs to be replaced uh we would always suggest if you want to verify that you can check your incoming power just again just to make sure you get power there and again nine times out of ten you would be replacing that unit as well right and we don't sell just the bases we don't sell just the faceplates you have to buy them together we don't sell them separately and we suggest we have newer units we talked about before you can see that this is pretty um it's old technology difficult to program we suggest getting a new touch thermostat because they're so much easier so let's talk about the people that usually call us up that are the most forlorn and these are the people that have a thermostat that doesn't pass the floor sensor um uh test at the beginning and these are the people that forgot to take the thermostat out of the thermostat box and reach behind it and take out the floor sensor these are the people that they go to put the thermostat in and find out that the thermostat's there and so is this black what is this black coil oil and why is it we're not heating why is it giving me an error they have forgotten to install the floor sensors what can they do so yeah if the sensor is not installed once again that's not the end of the world you don't need to rip up the floor you don't need to abandon your system you still can operate it and there are a few kind of stages on how you can approach to that first of all if you just want to verify if your system is working you can change go into your setting change your system to that ambient or room temperature mode and overshoot your current room temperature that will activate the heat give it some time the floor will warm up that's going to be your number one indication that yes your floor heat is working stage two is now to retrofit that sensor into the grout line and you're going to be 100 ready to go so when you're doing this retrofitting it you want to make sure that what you need to outline out you need to make sure you don't go too deep if you go too deep you're going to cut the wire and then you're going to be lifting that tile to fix it so get that grout line route it out we have a sensor specifically designed to fit in real small grout lines as you can see here it'll fit right into that spot and then you can grout over the top of it so that's what you can do the most important thing is though to turn the system on find out where the heated area is and make sure that sensor is out into the heated area doesn't need to be out in the middle of the floor just follow that grout line into the heated area and that's where you want to set it so at this point it presented a whole bunch of information and we have had a lot of people stick around we appreciate you sticking around for this long presentation because it's real nitty-gritty it's the stuff that you're going to see every day if you do a lot of these floors so if you have any questions please ask them and we'll be glad to answer them and Olivia is keeping an eye on our Facebook feed to make sure that there are any questions there that need to be answered um I'm going to go through the answers the questions from ahead of time um and I think we've addressed all of those um yes so uh let's go to one of the questions we have here and uh this is Brent Brent says what is the most energy efficient way to program the floor should I start warming earlier at a lower temperature or wait until I'm about to use the space and setting it at a higher temperature or should I keep the minimum temperature higher and only raise it a little and when I'm going to use the room and it's pretty common question you want to heat it when you're kneading it and you don't want to heat it when you don't need it right what would you say Anatoly yeah great uh I I there's really not much to add after what you said but uh the one thing I definitely want to add is that with those newer units the good thing about them is that you actually don't need to sort of guess or preheat or set it to a lower temperature earlier because uh those units have uh what's called adaptive function it actually no you know as as long as you're using the schedule of course it knows what is your next temperature at what time you want it so it will start to preheat it based on what's that floor temperature now so like if it's you know if you want it nice and warm temperature in the morning but you know it's an you know an hour earlier and the floor is 15 degrees lower yes it's probably going to start to preheat it earlier in advance to get to that temperature you want but then of course if it's you know if it's in more warmer days and your temperature is simply two three four degrees lower than what you want it's probably going to just kick on your system 5-10 minutes in advance and you're going to be good to go so once again as long as you're using a schedule and you have that adaptive function turned on I would just recommend simply setting your schedule add the temperature you want and add the time you want you don't need to sort of estimate or or uh you know set an earlier time in the old days you used to have to go okay I want it to be worn by six I better start at a five you don't have to do that you say I want it to be this temperature at this time and the thermostat figures out how long it takes to get to that temperature and it will back time to that spot and start it then so it's your choice between it will be warm at the time you choose or it will start heating at the time you choose you want it to be warm at the time time you choose that's the Adaptive function so that's what is automatically set on the system so hopefully that answered your question there and that is all the questions Olivia do we have any questions from the Facebook feed it does not look like I see that Olivia chatted us that uh there's no more questions on the Facebook we seems to be good to go okay so uh let's talk about um our next webinar our next webinar is going to be called learn how to install electric electric floor heating with luxury vinyl tile or any vinyl type product that's going to be Thursday at 1pm Central Time on November 10th um that's seeking up on us isn't it uh you can also join us daily for our our webinar topics we do it Monday through Friday sometimes twice a day there's our schedule and we talk about a bunch of different things if you have questions you can just join join us at those times those times are all central time so we do have a monthly promotion this month and that is 25 off of Select towel warmers visit warmly to get those 25 off towel warmers perfect gift idea perfect gift idea for um the holiday season uh also we love to talk in case you haven't noticed it we love to talk we love to talk about rainy and heat um that's part of our problem we love this stuff we love to be warm we love to talk it's a match made in Heavens but we would love to talk about what you're interested in so please let us know what you're interested by filling out your uh questionnaire when you get it from us and we would love to talk about things that interest you not just things that we go maybe we should talk about that this month tell us what you'd like to talk about and we'll be glad to talk about it so you can contact us anytime on our phone number is 800-875-5285 you can email us at the email address is there and you can also check us out we're on just about any social platform that you can think of um I'm still working on the Myspace page so I'll let you know when that's done and um you can also check us out at so we really appreciate you coming to visit us today and thanks for sticking around and watching most of our presentation so we'd like to say our goodbyes now so I want to say until next time stay warm and be radiant guys have a great day take care thank you bye-bye

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