I'm Gareth Pearson from Agilent Technologies This is the first in a series of training videos to help you get the most out of your Agilent ICP-MS instruments Today we're talking about the 7900 Single Quadrupole ICP-MS However, this The principles described here are also applicable to other models of Agilent ICP-MS First, let's look at some common operations that will help you get the best performance. The four main metrics of ICP-MS that analysts care about are sensitivity, precision, Accuracy and Background These topics of interest are covered in three main areas namely standard preparation and sample preparation, sample introduction, and instrument maintenance. First, we look at standard preparation and sample preparation. Carefully prepare calibration standards and use calibration Blanks are critical for good accuracy and low background In standards preparation, use only ultrapure deionized water High purity acids and Agilent ICP-MS Certified Reference Materials All standards need to be checked for shelf lifeView all Certificates of Analysis for reagents to confirm potential contamination Prepare fresh ppb level and lower standards daily using serial dilution After preparation, check calibration blank readings for high responses These high responses may indicate a source of contamination Sample preparation Also affects accuracy and precision Ensure complete digestion, i.e.
The absence of particles in solution Confirm that no volatile analytes are lost or contaminated during sample preparation Try to matrix match the calibration standards to the sample for best accuracy Finally , perform enough rinses with the appropriate rinse solution to minimize cross-contamination or memory effects The sensitivity, precision, and accuracy of a system to proceed to problem diagnosis or preventive maintenance analysis can be affected by any component in the sample introduction system, including the use of worn or damaged pump tubing , clogged nebulizers, damaged nozzles, use of dirty spray chambers, Optimize torch position Use clogged or damaged sampling and skimmer cones or insufficient aging of interface cones prior to analysis Finally, let's look at maintenance You can use early maintenance feedback to track component usage and find those that need routine maintenance or replacement This operation, called EMF, is a convenient way to help you prevent problems in the first place.
EMF helps you record maintenance tasks and predict when maintenance will be required. Instructions provided in the software help menu, user manual, and maintenance video CD will guide you through The entire routine maintenance operation Preventive maintenance saves time and money Now let's share some general recommendations for using ICP-MS. Before analysis, please check the peristaltic pump tubing, adjust the clamps, check the connection of the sample introduction system and the sampling cone (pay particular attention to the orifice ) Periodically check the waste line, foreline pump and circulating water cooler for analysis Before performing start-up procedures, including checking instrument and EMF status, performing instrument tuning and calibration and checking blank readings, these measures help ensure instrument performance.
Don't assume your system is still in optimized condition. Always flush between samples and Rinse for a few minutes at the end of the sample run Your rinse solution should be matched to the sample matrix Use matrix blanks, fresh calibration standards, and appropriate internal standards Use EMFs Schedule regular maintenance Analyzing recommendations in and performing regular maintenance as required in the maintenance video guide Thank you for watching Welcome to the other videos in this series where we discuss other important aspects and maintenance procedures you should perform regularly to ensure your Agilent ICP-MS always performs at its best.