so here at hayes machinery we are massive
milwaukee dealers we love the milwaukee brand and the products and everything that they do and
today we are going to show you our five favorite milwaukee accessories yes our top favorite
there's over 3500 accessories in their range and we're going to show you our top five we're
haze machinery this is our youtube channel please consider subscribing let's crack on so
starting at number five we have the milwaukee switchblade set yes it's a jolly big drill bit set
why is it so good let's open it up and have a look from your normal standard large big
bits like this that you would get from many other brands as well as milwaukee milwaukee
do some simple ones like this but the reasons we like these is you can actually change the blade
on the drill bit there's a nice little range they are built to last let me show you the arbor
because get it out of the case that is one jolly big piece that goes onto it so you can clip
that in there let's make it a little bit longer a little bit more reach we really like that
but the best thing about switchblade is that these drill bits are not exactly your cheap
standard run-of-the-mill bits because when you have to replace them once the drill bits lost
its edge you have to go and replace it with these you just have to change the blade and that is
the nicest thing about these because you can just switch over the blades hence why they're called a
switchblade they even come with spare blades with them so you're theoretically getting two sets of
blades for the price of one with these and then you can just buy the replacement blades when those
are dull how cool is that i think it's great let's move on to number four so coming in at number
four is the hole saw set yes not just one set but two sets they do a large one and they do a smaller
one but milwaukee are very good at marketing their products they don't just call it a hole saw no
they call it hull dozer well done team milwaukee i love that name i think it's brilliant let's
take a look open it up and see what's inside yes a beautiful range of hole saws sorry whole
dozers there we are so i forgot we have got some large ones right down to some little itty bitty
ones so if you're just using a hole saw i don't know for plumbing for electric work whatever it
might be or even tube notching these will fit into a tube notcher they are brilliant i love
them i've been using hole saws a lot and you can really tell the difference in the quality
of the milwaukee hole doses so it's even got a really strong arbor as well so i'll show you
how these go on literally put them on there screw them on screw them on there like that nice
and tight slide up your locator to stop the thing spinning because obviously you don't want that to
happen then you tighten up your nut with a nice obviously milwaukee spanner and you put that in
your drill and off you go simple as that beautiful beautiful hole saw set sorry dozer dough hold
dozer set there we are and again easy to come off to do pull that back spin that one off and it's
back on you can change it pretty cool i like that actually another little trick they do let's see
if it fits on here put a big one on like that and then obviously if you cut the wrong size
hole will another one fit on the inside that is a question it will look at that so then you can
do that up like that locate your thing and then if you drill the two smaller hole you can then put
that through that hole and put that one on the outside a little trick of the trade there i've
seen before i'm gonna have to try that out see if that works myself because i've never tried it
but i've seen other people do it so i think it's pretty cool that these will fit and do that as
well right let's move on to number three so number three is a personal favorite of mine something i
use quite often is the inks all paint pens yeah quite simple you've got the black the white and
the yellow and to prove a point i use one myself i absolutely adore this but any metal work
application these are brilliant we've all tried panama markers scribes chalk these are the
best let's take a rusty bit of steel got a little angle iron here and this pen is quite i've been
using this a long time so it's not like there's a new one i don't like that look how clear that line
is it's perfect that's exactly what you want to achieve from the paint pen highly recommend these
available on our website oh yeah let's move on to number two so number two another personal favorite
of mine is the fix tech nut yes the grinder nut you know that horrible little nut you get on your
grinder i'll prove a point again on my grinder one of many i had must say the annoying thing is
sometimes you can use the spanner to take it off sometimes you can use your hand obviously to undo
it but we always get that one every now and again which doesn't come off very easily you think it's
stuck on there nice thing about the fixed techna lift it up like so and just spin it
off with your hand it's got this little it's got a little flapper on there like you
would on like a fuel cap or something like that so that's really really handy lift that
up you've got something to put your hand on especially got gloves on and you can't get it
around there or something like that or you've got different adaption on your grinder love
the little fix tech nut nice little adaption but not only to milwaukee tools all of these will
fit onto any brand so if you've got yellow ones green ones blue ones whatever color your power
equipment whatever color your grinder now let me show you so just have a dig into the cupboard
to find a different brand just to prove a point put this on there and your fix tech nut yeah
milwaukee fixed set nut obviously we'll just go on there like so it'll fit onto
any grinder with a 40 mil shaft on it nine inch four inch five inch four and a
half inch however many inch your grinder is it's gonna fit love the fix tech now just handy
just to be able to get your hand on there or if you've got a little weakling in your workshop
who ain't very good about taking the disks off perfect right let's move on to number one number
oh no all right so number one are you ready yeah we have got an angled shockwave adapter so for
any of your impacts that you use to better get into those awkward corners this is the perfect
tool i've got one where is it it's on the impact i've never used it myself so this is only going
on by personal recommendation from a customer we had these on our counter we had them come in
we thought yeah okay that's pretty cool put them on the counter the amount of people who've come in
and gone wow we love them and we had one customer come in and he is a building contractor and he's
bought like a handful of them to give one to each of his guys to make it easier for getting into
those awkward corners so simply they go in to your impact like so but so you can get nice and tight
into the corners or something other than that in a stud work or something someone's put an awkward
screw into a stud work you can go in there and get it out again hang on get out this my personal
set still generation one on the old shock wave but there we go in like so and you can go nicely into
a corner underneath something it's just easier to get everything with one of those just nice
little accessory you can keep in your toolbox or your pack out you know we'll move on to that
another time i love that i think it's brilliant but they also come with some generation three
bits so as part of the set that is available to buy on our website haze machinery dot co uk the
little bits there on the side all your little shock wave sets come with it as standard nice
little extras there to be included so that is our top five milwaukee accessories there is over
3 500 milwaukee accessories available or skus as they like to call them available in their range
the range is massive but this is our top five more videos to come subscribe to our channel check
out our website we'll see you in the next one