Standard Air Filters SUCK, Do This Instead!! | HVAC Installation

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#IAQ #hvac #ductwork

How's it going and welcome back to the Channel if you're new here my name is Zach and I'm an HVAC contractor in the Middle Tennessee area now today's video Is going to be all about indoor air Quality now there's three things you Want to think about when it comes to HVAC that's temperature regulation Humidity regulation and also proper air Filtration So today we're going to be Focusing on that number three air Filtration so this filter is going to be Four inches wide and it's going to be a Merv 13 which can last up to one year Depending on the application that you're In but typically it's one year after That filter's up we're actually going to Be putting in a Merv 16 which is a six Month filter anyway that's what today's Video is going to be all about we're Going to go ahead and get this Pre-assembled or not necessarily Pre-assembled but get everything ready Taped up sealed up insulated that way When we go in the crawl space to install It it's ready to go all right so what I've went ahead and done I've gotten Some squared arounds made to where They'll fit the opening of this filter Frame perfectly and then it gives us a 16 inch round because this particular System has a 16 inch return so I went Ahead got two squared arounds made so They'll fit here properly one thing to

Note whenever you're installing these Filters you want to look at pressure Drop so for an example this system that We're working on today has got a Thousand CFM for the entire system so What I wanted to do I looked on the Manual for the Merv 16 because that's Eventually what we're going to be Putting in and I wanted to make sure That I sized the filter properly to that Way I don't have a huge pressure drop so For example this filter the murf 16 for A thousand CFM is going to give us a 0.17 pressure drop across the filter Which that's phenomenal for a four inch Wide filter and Murph 16. so to put that In perspective I think the Merv 13 Version drops down to 0.1 uh two so Either way you go you're getting Phenomenal filtration at a very low Pressure drop so it doesn't tax the System too much on the airflow side so Anyhow what I'm going to go ahead and do Is get the the flanges bent on the Squirter rounds we're going to get all The seams taped up because part of Indoor air quality and the reason why We're putting in a good filter is that We want it completely sealed right we're Not pulling any air from the crawl space So we want to make sure we seal off Everything really nice so I'm going to Go ahead and do that first get all these Prepped get them insulated and then we

Can take them in the crawl space and get Everything put together [Music] All right so the tape that I like to use On any metal to metal transitions is Going to be the sure tape PC 857 so this Is a UL rated duct tape and it's perfect For this type of application the main Thing you want to do though is get a Squeegee and make sure you apply it but That's for any kind of tape so one thing I really like about this tape is all Weather tape so it holds true whether if It's cold conditions or hot conditions It's going to stay in contact with the Metal so it's not going to peel off Really easy and that's super important For any type of sealing the joints right You don't want the stuff to come off Whenever it gets super cold or when it Gets super hot Foreign Again so the main thing with any kind of Tape that you apply you want to grab a Squeegee and really press down that tape You can really see the difference Between this and this so that's what we Want all of our tape to look like a nice Clean tight bond to where we know that It's going to be leak free [Applause] Foreign So if you can see here whenever they put Together this particular squirt around

When they're doing the spot welds they Burn holes right through so that's one Of the main reasons why we want to make Sure that we are taking the time to seal Everything up as best as we possibly can What I like to do is make sure that I Pull the tape nice and tight as I'm Putting it on And then squeegee it as well [Applause] [Applause] All right so now that I've got Everything sealed up nice and good I'm Going to go ahead and get the bottom Flange bent out Because that's how we're going to attach It to the filter box and and then we'll Get it insulated from there Foreign There we go all right so now That is ready to go I'm going to go Ahead and measure How long I need my insulation to wrap Here so I usually give myself more and Then I trim it so that way it's perfect When I'm done so basically about 15 Inches on these long ends is what I need So you always want to measure on your Corners because that's going to be the Longest Dimension instead of doing the Sides so uh 15 inches and the material is four foot Wide so I'm just going to cut two strips At 15 and that'll give us enough

Material to go all the way around All right so what I'm going to be using Is this bubble wrap this stuff is Awesome super easy to install nice and Quick and easy and the best part about It no fiberglass which means your arms And everything doesn't get super itchy And this is how easy that is To cut and I'll just use this as a Template For my My other piece And because I'm Um Cutting it a little bit longer than I Need to It is I'm going to be trimming it anyway I don't have to be so precise on exactly 15 inches So There you go All right so for the insulation the tape That I like to use is going to be the Sure tape this is the DC 181 again it's A UL rated tape so we know it's going to Be good for mold or any type of high or Low temperatures as well as code Approval right because they have to have That UL stamp on there so what I like to Do is go ahead and get this Started with one piece so one thing I Like about both of these tapes in Particular is that for one it's really Simple you've got two tapes for

Everything that you need right this can Handle anything on the metal metal to Metal side and this can handle anything Where you're attaching the flex to the Metal or where you're insulating it so It's very simple and not only that but You don't have to worry about using a Knife or scissors to cut the tape You can just use your fingers So it's nice quick and easy obviously The duct tape is the same way so a Little Tech tip there is on this Particular tape is fold over a little Tab when you're done because once you Pick it back up to use it again it's Easy to grab it And reuse it so I like to go to Each Corner because I want the insulation to Stay put if I wrap it around and go to The other side it's going to raise up on Me I don't want that to happen so what I Like to do Is just take the tape put it on that Flange right there Like so And that's going to keep it from lifting As I go around the squirt around Got it insulated now all the way around So now I need to work on my my corners And getting everything nice and nice and Tight So the way that I do that Is I just start with one corner

Take my scissors and I'll just cut right Down on the corner So just like this Not all the way to where it cuts it you Know in half So that way you can take it and you can Lay it On top of one another like so take your Stapler And go to town Just go to all four corners doing that It doesn't really matter which way you Lay it over I just kind of go with However it's It looks good Foreign So now that I've got all of that nice And tight as you can see now I can go Ahead and trim And give me some room to be able to put My Flex onto here Foreign There we go Now we got plenty of room for our Flex So now I'm just going to go back and Tape all the seams so that way Everything is good and clean looking [Applause] [Applause] Foreign Now that I've got all the seams taped up You want to go ahead and hit every one With a squeegee [Applause]

And you can really see how much it Really just gets in there and it's super Tight against the material because what Basically you're doing with the pressure You're also applying heat as well so That is going to activate that adhesive Even more and it's just going to do a Much better job than if you didn't Squeegee at all [Applause] All right so now I've got everything Taped up it's looking good I'm not going To worry about taping down here just yet Because once we install this on the Actual filter box we have to screw it Down and then when we seal that with Tape it'll catch this as well so that'll Be like an all-in-one deal for that Foreign So this is what we're dealing with here We've got 16 inch flex here that we're Going to be cutting and mounting the Filter so we got plenty of room right Here we we've already cut the strap So we've got some uh some flexibility in This Flex So which is great Which means I think what we're going to Do is probably put it to where the Filter is about right here it may go at An angle just so the flex can go Straight into it so as long as this Doesn't get in our way we should be fine Foreign

[Applause] Foreign Foreign [Applause] Foreign [Applause] [Applause] Foreign [Applause] So there we go we got the filter box Both squared arounds secured and sealed Looking good So now we got to do is go ahead and Figure out exactly where we want to put It go ahead and cut the flex and get the Straps ready I'm just going to use some Cloth strap to get this thing up off the Ground Um but we might do that after it's all Said and done that way it's not moving Around on us so much when we're trying To hook up the flex so Yeah that's the next step [Applause] [Music] Foreign This DC 181 it being three inches wide Really helps keep things in place you Don't have to go around as much you Don't have to use as much tape so again With it being three inches wide I'll Probably go around two maybe three times Just to make sure it's got a good Tight Bond and it's not going to be

Coming off so Foreign [Music] Foreign So you can use the same exact tape for The liner and the outside insulation as Well just like we did earlier on this so One tape does both jobs Foreign [Music] Down one to go Foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Foreign [Applause] [Applause] Foreign [Applause] Get this thing strapped up Foreign There we go So that's how I install a four inch Pleated filter in an existing system in This particular situation it was in a Crawl space so now all we have to do Every uh 12 months or six months Depending on what filter we have in There and just go into the crawl space It's about 10 feet away pop the door off Slide the filter out Slide the new one In and they're good to go this is a best Way when it comes to air filtration not

Using the one inch filters that are in The wall those are not good filters at All for the system or for filtration so You really want to invest into a good Four inch filter like we just installed Today but that's going to complete Today's video I really hope you guys got Something out of it give it a thumbs up If you did subscribe to the channel if You haven't already until next time see You guys later [Music] Foreign [Music]