hello everybody today we're going to be exploring
more in depth a problem that i noticed happened on my last road trip out of town it's that
uh 400 mile round trip video that i posted by popular demand because you guys didn't want me
to rent cars anymore so i decided the last one i would take my own car you know because i missed
it and ultimately because i do love driving it although exploring other cars is is kind of a
side project of mine and today couldn't be a better day to describe and kind of go through
the issue that i covered in that video but just briefly it's the problem i have with my hvac
system and in particular it's where my ac works it blows cold air the fan works everything works but
it comes out of different vents and it seems like i lost the defrost i lost the defrost
wow it rhymes uh feature uh because now when i press different buttons uh for different
zones it it doesn't know it no longer corresponds um with the button so i can tell you a little
bit more about it i was kind of busy i didn't have time to go in depth but to to test out this
theory i'm going to start the car and i tell you uh you know i'm assuming we all kind of watch
like this group that watches my channel probably watches some of the larger channel like uh bill
from uh house of naples and he always complains about the hot and humid weather in florida where
he's at but then i tell you i'm in illinois and today although it's not a very hot day it's
probably like 85 degrees oh my god is it humid you know and i wear glasses too and so i can
i can relate to the fact that everything is fogging up now not my viewfinder so
i can see that but yeah my glasses you know the whole dripping scenario yes
that that's happening right now so i am lucky enough that my ac works but let's explore
kind of what it's doing or not doing right now and i do have some paperwork also to share with
you towards the end of this because i did end up going to a local repair shop there and very
small they didn't even have a paved wad but that uh show you you see right now if you guys
can see that 106 885 miles all right so anyway we're gonna get it all the way all right so
all right so we're gonna start off with vent with dash we're gonna do the close it off
and we're gonna just crank it up all the way all right so you can hear the fan
the fan is happening right now see it's 85 degrees so it's not that
bad but man the humidity is killing me and i don't like the humidity so check this
out so coming out of this event back here these vents yeah yeah it's blowing cold air
you know considering the car is not moving but uh when it's when it moves it becomes
pretty cold and this is since i've added half a can of coolant there underneath the hood
there and and everything was fine yeah so i was some yeah it's cold no problem now i'm gonna
shut these off so it doesn't steal any more air and then i usually shut this off here too so i can
have more air out of this out of these three and guess what right now nothing nothing is currently
coming out of either one or you know what maybe one percent of cold air i can feel through
these but you know where i can feel real well look in the feet so i got my classic sandal
sock combo all right we're gonna go down here yep it's coming out of here definitely okay i never kind of oh yeah there it is okay i
was like where is it coming from here it's coming from the feet right there okay that's not good that's not what we want i
wonder is it coming out of the other side too yep yep on the other side there's the same vent okay so that's not good all
right let's do the buy level okay so he just switched it's cold that's the thing like i was really
afraid of not having ac this summer but that's a different problem all right so let's see yes
still coming really strong out of the feed area but now it's probably where the
before it was probably one percent now it's probably 10 10 is coming out of here
so it does have the ability to switch zones but it's not doing it for whatever the reason is yeah so it is coming out yeah i mean
really weak for some reason this vent this event out of this event it comes out
way stronger than out of these two wow very straight what about this one yeah it's
coming out yeah it's about the same so this side seems to be stronger this side seems
to be weaker now it's all coming out cold keep in mind and then right here yeah
yeah it's this these seem to be unaffected so yeah feeds he's here wearing sandals yep
okay now what happens when we switch to feet and i'm using the research so it kind
of so it's stronger all right so now it does come out of the feed area okay it's
no longer coming out of here and by the way none of these levels is coming out of the out of
here out of the defrost out of the window setting nothing nope i'm keeping the door
open so i don't suffocate in here yeah so the feet seem to be the one that works
the best pretty much out of all of them now what happens when we click here yes and none of these
work right now what happens when we click here okay i felt as i was doing this and it
was switching inside i felt a gust of yeah okay so it's coming out of here again but not out of the out of the top and that's
that's what's going to be the the biggest problem i think yeah none of it right now
it's not that big of a deal so right now for whatever the reason is yeah it's split between
the feet which i can feel it not as strong as i should but but the defrost setting i don't feel
anything out of here out of any one of these yeah okay now the funniest part is right up here switching to defrost and at this point i can't do
the research so now it's no longer coming out of the feed at all it's coming out of the dash pretty
strong not a hundred percent but maybe 70 percent it comes out of here yep yep but
nothing out of the out of the defrost that is so strange now you know
the rear defrost is unaffected um yeah i mean it's 60 degrees
so it's the coldest it's been yeah so not complaining not
complaining about the how cold it is yeah it comes out the back is fine now i guess
that there's no back settings like it doesn't there's no feet i mean settings here so if i just
shut this off but yeah so technically speaking you know right now i'm filming this
it's kind of the middle of august so um technically speaking i can
drive the rest of the season like this and it'll be okay you know i i will get
my ac i will get my heat no problems you know what maybe i shouldn't say
that maybe i shouldn't say that let me actually try to turn off the ac make
sure i try to increase the temperature i haven't i haven't tried it on
on the heat yet so i have no clue no it's coming out warm yeah oh
yeah it's coming out hot yeah so okay yep so it's called get a c going i hope oh did i just stumble on something else oh
crap no nope nope nope it took a second it took a second but it's colder now i was like oh
my god did i just get it stuck on full heat no no no no no it's cold okay thank god keep in mind
like i said it's pretty it's pretty hot today and humid so it's it takes a while plus the car is not
going anywhere so all right so now we identified a problem this is what i did about it first and
foremost i ran this test i remember this test that i've done and i saw other people do it so off feet
auto and i let it cycle you know cycle through and it did give me an error code so i just did
it as i was as i was driving i know some people do it with the car off you know i don't know if
it's going to give any other result we'll try it but it did give me an error code there on
the left so we'll try and see what it does come on 12 63 12 63 okay okay so it does give me a call
but here's the thing when i bought this car uh it was doing the same thing but the problem
back then was that actually was a little different and i didn't do anything about it it would take
a minute for it to switch let's see if i had it on the vent here on the dash it was fine it would
work come out where when it should be but then if i switch to another level it would take extra 30
to 60 seconds to switch between these levels so i didn't really do much about it it's not
it wasn't that big of a deal for me and as recent as uh you know a few weeks
ago it was fine you know okay so i can turn it off i guess it's just gonna keep
displaying it until you hit off and then oh okay so you just switched to auto again
well you know what i did i didn't check this out so if i click here where is it
gonna blow on on the auto setting feet all right so it's really
likes the feet setting right now yeah yeah maybe one percent out of the dash okay
so that hasn't so this has really no effect on yeah okay so i guess if i want my feet cold
that's the best thing to do uh so anyway yeah i didn't fix anything and i just kept driving
it and like you know it doesn't doesn't make that much of a sense if it just takes some extra
time to switch between the levels what do i care yeah i guess it's really hot oh okay nice okay so
yeah so switching here somehow somehow switches it to the vent out of the dash all right
come on so here's what i did so i stopped by a local place right there this is where
i stopped really small town shop uh i blocked out my phone number in case you guys are
wondering what that is and they had a big sign on the door any kind of inspections is 16
so because i didn't really have a whole lot of options i was like all right fine charge me 16
tell me what's going on so here's my ac diagnosis 16 paid via card didn't really put anything else
over here but then he gave me this little piece of paper to go with it took him about an hour
and he said that it's my hvac control module that needs to be replaced now that's his
handwriting i looked at it i'm like well i know that there is some dashes in ford
park numbers can you tell me what those are because um i don't know what these are and i
don't know if it's a z or two so he told me 3w1z-19e 624-aaa which is the hvac control module i've
asked him is it this module this control panel he said no i'm asking is it that whole blend
door actuating motor he said no this is a different part that sits inside your dash and
he said he couldn't get it he called the ford um dealership in town there which i filmed at before
and uh he said that they they don't have this part in stock it could be something from a junkyard
it could be something maybe i could find in a larger city but it's not something that he
could do for me and he said even if i had it this thing needs to be programmed to a specific
car and that's about it so i paid my 16 and i left thinking okay i'll deal with it
when i get home when i have free time so i guess my next stop and this will be the next
video i will try to find this part and my car is actually due for an oil change pretty soon so
check this out 100 well you guys can see that 106 825 miles and my next oil change i know
we're past due on the time but it's 107 200 because i kept driving other cars i didn't
really you know see if i can well i know it's all floaty for you guys um yeah i didn't really have
the time to do anything with it now i do so next time there's an oil change which is about 300
miles or so let's see what does it tell me 35 oil life left i will research this part i'm probably
not going to buy it i mean i'll check to see if i can even find it because this guy hannigan
that's actually the hannigan who's the owner told me that it's really difficult to find uh
could be i could possibly do it from a junkyard but at the same time he said that it
needs to be programmed he needs to be programmed by a ford tool which once again
being a small-time shop he doesn't have it so here we are folks uh i'm not sure what i'm
going to do with it but the next video i will show you the tool to the tool the part my kind of
my search for it what am i going to come across and next time i need an oil change i will go
to my mechanic and i'll talk to him about it we'll see you next time so i'm currently
running the same test but now the car is off um i know that when i did it the first time
i got different results with the car off and the car on so i'm going to check to see
if i get anything different this time around nope same thing 1263 1263
okay here we go now we know