How to use XH-W3002 AC digital Thermostat – Robojax

Hi! Welcome to product review by Robojax. 
My name is Ahmad Shamshiri presenting this   tutorial from Canada. this tutorial we 
are going to learn how we can use this   W3002 temperature controller from DIYMore 
to control AC or DC load and use this as   a heater control or cooler control an 
AC load and wiring and I'll show you   how to control an easy load and including 
the wiring let's get started with this. DIYMore has a release these two products the 
DM-W3002 – both of these are exactly the same   but the operating voltage is different.

As you 
can see this available at 12 volts and this is   220 volts. It seems also they have 24 volts 
version. you can use it and heater control or   a cooler control so in both cases it can be 
programmed and set also you can have a time   delay between the heating and cooling if you 
want have some kind of delay before it turns   off or some kind of delay before it turns on in 
that case also it has a feature where you can   set the tolerance or correct the temperature 
if your temperature deviates from the value Hardware explained these two or one is DC what the other is AC
from outside you will not notice the difference   so when you turn it around you will see that 
this has been labeled as 220 volts and this has   been labeled marked as 12 volts so there is 20 
volts so there is 24 volts version I have three   versions now let's open the AC version.

So we 
have micro controller here this is easy to DC   converter we have two wires here and this has 
been labeled the red is the live wire this is   the neutral wire or ground so this is a hot or 
live wire and these two are this will be live   or hot wire L or H and this is the neutral this neutral N
the black is the same if you pay attention from   the top these two blacks are connected so when 
you connect the AC enters directly exits back so   this is the neutral and the live L also power this 
but the life goes through the relay and exits   this way. and this is the NTC temperature 
sensor which is connected at this point So we can close it simply like that. Features explained and here we have with three buttons here's this is the AC version and that's that DC version   but in terms of functionality they are exactly 
the same so let's focus on this one now I have   connected 12 volts and a temperature sensor 
now shows temperature the room temperature   which is 22.9 degrees Celsius 
when I press this this shows a start or one   temperature if I press this this shows the 
other one so you can set your upper and lower   limit and this is showing p0 if I press this 
up it goes it becomes p1 p2 p3 and then it   comes back to p0 if you wait a few seconds the 
screen will return back to displaying normal   temperature.

When I press this p0 press it
again it will display the start temperature   this is the start temperature p0 press again so 
temperature and we can set it for example to 65 so wait and it just goes back to the temperature 
now if I press this, that's 65 the other one is 50   and to set that 50 that their top temperature 
plus this SET P0 go P 1 and then press SET. when you   press it now this is a stop temperatures after P1 
when you press it that's the stop temperature let   me do it again P1 and then here and then you 
can change the temperature as you wish so I'm   setting it at 50 and leave. now let's 
go to p2 process SET, P0, P 1 and now P 2 when you   go on P 2 this is when I process this is for 
tolerance correction let's say the temperature   that you're measuring is a little low or high 
and you want to compensate it'll say one point   two degrees or add or subtract so let's say 
you want to add one point two degrees let's   press SET 2 and then here and then 1.2
now one point two is added every time pressure   that we are receiving one point two will be added 
on top of it so it will compensate it and if you want to subtract (reduce)
it process go down until you see negative now that's subtracting from the temperature 
so after a while (few months) you will see if this deviates   from the temperature and shows the wrong time 
pressure so that p2 is for this purpose.

Now   let's go and remove the P2 to fix it back 
I don't want to change it so when it is 0   there is no addition or subtraction 
with that. Wait, now let's go to p3 p3 is for setting when I press SET this
is the time delay when the start or stop   triggers it waits if it is 1 it will be 
1 minute 2 minutes 3 minutes all of these   value are as you can see it can have up 
to 10 minutes it doesn't go up so what   it means this is that when the temperature 
reaches and the relationship turn on and   off if it is 1 minute it waits one 
minute before turning it on or off AC wiring explained to start preparing this for AC, I have 
to warn you that when working with AC it's   very dangerous you have to be very careful and 
take a lot of precautions and every step the   power must be disconnected before you work and 
if you are unsure how to proceed with this seek   help from a professional.

Now in order to turn 
on and off something this is my extension code   this is the flag this is in Canada and the US 
we have this type of plug. get in a wire and   extension cord something like this and this 
will go to the wall and cut it somewhere here   which I have done and in US and Canada we have 
the plaques are different so we know which one   is live and which one is neutral a small one in 
Canada the small one is the live L one and if I   put it here you will see that this I've already 
put it so this small one is the life or hot and   I've labeled it so I don't make mistake now I'm 
going to this one that goes from to the wall I   will solder it at these two plus and minus so I 
don't want to make sure that live L is connected   to the red and then neutral N is connected to 
the black so this is for the input and then   I'm going to connect this for my load at this 
point yellow is alive and then black is the   neutral.

pexels photo 2539462

I heard of soldered the wire here and 
I put heat shrink sleeves so I will heat it up I'd also have connected this that I connect   my load here at this point 
live is connected to yellow Let me apply heat Ready and I can connect this 
to the AC directly put this on I do   know what is the temperature setting 
but I'm going to connect a load here Demonstration of using it as cooler controller now let me test it with the cooler 
for the cooler we will set the same   way start at 65° and stop at 50° so 
I will set p0 at 65°C let me press  SET s p0 press it again now make it 65 zero 
press it again make it 65° I'm holding it Now it's 65°.

P1 stop 50° so press SETs and go 
up and then press this again and then make it 60 now it is set at cooler and you can check it 
start 65° stop 50° I've shown here so because   it's now 19 degrees is below this it's a cooler 
that control system is not working so it will   not work until the temperature reaches 65 
when it reaches 65 it will start is he that   starts then it will still work and cool it 
down until it reaches 50 it will turn off   now I'm applying some heat using my heat gun and 
here I'm holding this here and so you can see it pay attention here so at 65 it turned ON it went way high 
because it's too hot now and this will   stay on until it reaches 50°C so we are 
cooling it down this is our cooler or   refrigerator so it should go down until 
this is 50 I'm holding it with hand so   it cools down faster now very quick 
you will see at 50 it will turn off Demonstration of using it as Heater controller now I'm going for heaters now start move 
here now start is 50°C is totally 65°C the   same way with AC let's start set it as at 50, press SET P1
is start press it again and then set this to 50 50 and then go up that stop 
this time said this to 65 now it is set of 65.

Now because this has heater controller
we want to keep the temperature between 50 to 65   meaning if the temperature is below the 50 
it will be ON and it will keep going until   the 65 it will stop. until the temperature 
reached 65 now it's 37 and the heater must   be on which is on now so let me heat it so 
the temperature reaches 65 it will turn off At 65 turned off and it will stay off until 
reaches 50 so if I hold this with my hands will   cool it down quickly very hot now pay attention 
at 50 it will turn on very quick so it's turned on Setting time delay now I'm going to show you the time delay.

So to 
set the time delay we put a SET and go up until   you see three and press this, now the time delay 
is zero you can set up to 10 minutes these are   all minutes and let's set it at 1 and press SET
and let me go to mode 1 and let's set this to 65 And press SET and then the
stopp temperature. I'm going to use it at 50 And exit I've said this now for cooler p0 65° if 
I proceed you will see p 0 and then p 150   so that's p1 what it means is now this is 
a cooler when the temperature reaches 65   it will start turning on and then when it 
comes back at 50 it will turn off now at   the starting point I have added a 1 minute 
delay now will add up temperature reaches   65 it will not turn on immediately it will 
turn on after 1 minute let me show you now as you can see that as you can see the temperature 
is above 65 a if it goes below the value I 
will try to just heat it up it take a minute as we keep this up above 65 and 
over a minute we will see now it should be on   but kinda counter as it started so as soon as one 
minute reaches you will see that this will turn on You see one minute past and now 
because it's above 65 degrees the   cooler started turning ON and it 
will stay on until it reaches 50°C degrees I'm holding it now with 
my hand so it cools down quickly But for 50°, it turns OFF immediately it 
doesn't wait for a minute it's just   the delay before the start.

Pay attention 
as soon as this reaches it will turn off I would like to thank my Patrons from Subtitle typed and corrected by Ahmad Shamshiri on Nov 26, 2020 in Canada I did my part to help you learn. now it is your turn. You can subscribe 🔔 to my channel, and say a simple thank you in the comments section below this video If you don not skip ads, that will also help me. if you are watching with subtitle, please let me know which language subtitle you used. if you want to send me cash donations, the link to my PayPal account is below this video. Thank you Thank you for watching the review presented by 
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upcoming videos you may subscribe now. Hi   welcome to a product of you hi welcome to 
product review by Robojax in this video we   are going to learn hi welcome to product 
review by Robojax in this video we are   going to learn how we can use the W 3 0 
0 to term pressure cut and this video hi

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