hi I'm Mike the 1a auto we've been selling auto parts for over 30 years [Music] [Applause] hi everyone sue here at 1a auto and today we're gonna show you how to change your blow motor in a 2011 Ford f-150 it's located here on the passenger side right underneath the glove box so if you need this pot or any other part for your car click on the link below and head on over to 1a auto calm seven millimeter socket and there is three trim bolts or screws down here I'm gonna take all three out I like to do this and leave the glovebox latched so that way I don't have to hold on to everything balance it now I can hold on to this and do the latch and just slide the glovebox out of an angle now there's two plastic Clips here that hold this felt liner up I'm gonna take those out with a body clip it's stubborn I always find surprises under people's glove boxes well just move this out of the way so we can work that to remove the blower motor there's three mounting screws there in a triangle form and they're at eight millimeter socket first thing I like to do is disconnect the electrical connector that's that tab right there squeeze it with your thumb pull down on it there we go now that's out of the way make it a little easier and then eight millimeter socket back one here is the trickiest one I think so after several decisions long socket short sockets little socket the gear ratchet works the best I didn't think it'd work I didn't think it would go up in there put it fit holds up we have one left right there I'm just gonna go right with the gear ratchet funny when doing blow motors sometimes you get little surprises you take this blow mark you know sometimes just acorns or leaves family a mice we lit manipulate it down here we have the new blower motor from 1a auto it comes with a cage it comes with a lock clip on it and it's balanced that's a cool thing to see sometimes you get these parts aftermarket they're not balanced that's a it's a quality sign of quality here is the factory one it still has the Ford part numbers on there that came balanced they call this the squirrel cage that's a press-on there's no clip the same two prong connector so if you need this part or any other part for your car clink on the link in the description and head on over to 1a auto comm so now we're going to install the new little motor I'm just gonna basically try to reverse the procedure make sure you turn it so that the mounting bolts line up there we go I've install the closest my Knights group first wonderful no I can get the other two started this is definitely a patience game this one okay I want put that last bonding screw in on this side see if I can balance this out once you get them all started just take your time and tighten up now that the blow motor is fully mounted up there I'm gonna reconnect my connector check again for any melted harnesses it looks good line it up and it clicks in place you're all set so when you put the felt panel back up you'll see this guided slot and there's a stud that sticks out from the back and just that's for that to go right in there like that and now we have the body clips push those up into the mounting spots grab on glovebox so to install it I just go at an angle put those ears in there that's the door that stops and I line up the latch snap that and now I've got my three mounting screws and I'll put those in on the bottom this is the seven millimeter socket get thee Center one and right side than the left well if you have any problem with the felt that's a metal tab you can always bend that back better visual effect there we go thanks for watching visit us at one arrow comm for quality auto parts fast and free shipping and the best customer service in the industry