all right today we're going to be doing a quick overview of some of the Milwaukee fuel impact wrenches that they have out there today uh you know you may be in in the market for one of these you're only looking to get one of them I'm going to do a quick comparison of the group here that we have and then later in the video I'm also going to do a demo of uh some specific torques on bolts and kind of show you where uh you know these kind of fall in the ranking there as far as what they're capable uh you know of doing obviously over here this is not an impact wrench this is the the M12 fuel ratchet but if this might be something down the road you might be interested in that might influence your decision over here on which one of these uh you know you pick all right so we'll start over here this is the M18 uh high impact or at least they used to call it the high impact I think they dropped that that name in convention but it's still the same Tool uh 27 67 20 is the model number this one is rated at 1400 foot pounds of torque I'll be clear this is foot pounds not inch pounds you know there's other tools out there that you might see for inch pounds the foot pounds is what this is so that's quite a bit uh higher power than a lot of the the impacts that you're going to see out there uh the second is is the mid torque uh one they have and this is the 2861 20 model uh and I'll be clear there's a newer Gen 2 version of this that's for sale out there but within the torque uh you know specs it's within the same range I think it's just a little bit shorter here but essentially you know it's kind of the same Tool uh and this one's rated at 600 foot pounds of torque over here we have the M12 lineup and this is their stubby impact this is number 25 5420 and this guy's rated at 250 foot-pounds of torque then over here we have the M12 fuel ratchet and this is number 25 6720 and this is 35 foot pounds of torque all right so next I'll just do kind of a quick overview uh you know of a few of these tools over here I've actually had these you know all these tools you know I bought these personally with my own money uh over the years and I tell you you know kind of scenarios will wear these kind of all fell in uh you know a lot of these tools you know that I've had these for a couple years so you know I've used them quite a bit uh so I'll give you kind of a real world experience on what I think of these tools uh you know and where I think you know you may or may not need one of these uh you know versus the other uh so I'll start over here with the with this big guy over here I literally only had to use this tool one time in the last couple years I had it now I want to be clear I do a lot of Automotive work I've probably put in 15 20 different engines and vehicles I do a lot of suspension work I'm underneath the car a lot I'm working on cars a lot and I've only ever had to use this one this guy over here one time and that was when I had a bull that was cross threaded on I'm assuming some you know shop put it on there with a high impact uh you know air tool and they basically cross threaded that bolt on there and I literally could not get the thing off other than a breaker bar and a bunch of extensions so I finally gave up you know I wasn't trying to get her removing it I went and purchased this thing with my own money I tore that bolt right off obviously the bolt was ruined before I took the boat off but I was at least able to get the bolt off so not unless you're working on 18 wheelers or very very large heavy equipment I don't really see the need for this guy over here but obviously if you're into bigger equipment you know this thing is probably going to fit the bill for you uh the next guy over here the mid torque this is the one I've had for a lot of years now I started years ago I haven't even remember maybe eight ten years ago whenever Milwaukee came out with their first impact wrench it wasn't a fuel version it was their regular you know version they had out there and I used that thing all the time taking off lug nuts and everything when this fuel lineup came out years ago you know I wanted to get it because in a lot of my tools you know the brushless motors versus the the brush motors if you're not familiar with that there's plenty of information out there explain the differences I wanted to get this this tool here and it was obviously a lot more uh you know powder so I use this thing for years for from anywhere from suspension bolts to you know lug nuts Etc this was kind of my go-to uh you know for the last how many years uh you know I'm working on different various vehicles uh over here we have the stubby version now these haven't been out very long I might have had this thing for a year I don't really remember I think it's about a year or so ago when these first came out and I was interested in it because it's quite a bit smaller now obviously you know it's a lot more compact it's in the M12 lineup versus the M18 over there so you're not going to get the same torque specs obviously that you would in these bigger ones however when you're working on vehicles you know you not a lot of times don't need 600 foot pounds or 1400 foot-pounds you just need 100 pounds or whatever it might be to get something off so I was very interested in getting this and that's kind of why I purchased I use this for various different things you know underneath the car you know from taking off caliper bracket bolts to you know brake jobs Etc this thing's pretty handy there because it can fit in there just a little bit tighter than than kind of what uh you know that that wood over there now the one thing I will be clear is these are rated at 250 foot pounds of torque you know 600 1400 Etc there I would I would the best way I can kind of explain this is let's just say you're going to be removing bolts that are 200 foot pounds of torque or 250 foot-pounds of torque it's probably not the best fit to get this tool That's rated at that Max you know it's just like if you're going to get a vehicle there and you got to tow something that's 5 000 pounds are you going to get a vehicle that can only total a Max of 5 000 pounds we're going to give yourself a little leeway and get something that can tow 7 500 pounds it's going to be a lot more efficient tool or car in that scenario to tow that that you know that trailer that you're trying to uh you know tow so I would say that same thing with this lineup here so based on what you're trying to do kind of gauge that within there and obviously you know 250 foot-pounds and I'll show you here in a little bit yes they can do that right but as you start getting higher into the max your output is going to be a little bit slower so it's going to take you a little bit longer to get that bolt off first over here it might just zip it off so that might be fine you know for a specific scenario here there but if it's daily use that might influence uh you know what what you're doing up here as well so keep that in mind uh you know when you're when you're coming comparing these then this last over here these little ratchets if you're not familiar with these ratchets these are these are a game changer you know if you think years ago you know I'll give you an example of some of these these impact drivers that for a lot of years we didn't have any options like this you know and a lot of these weren't even back here so you know what a lot of people did was you know you had these impacts and you could put stuff in there that you know allow you to put up you know put a socket in there and these work generally you know for for you know uh different Automotive repairs you might do but other than having an engine outside of a vehicle these things are almost impractical to get into some of those tight spots because you're never going to be able to get this thing underneath on the side of the vehicle trying to get remove a water pump well they're just they're just not practical so years ago these were the only options we had right these impact dryers now now as we focus where we are today you know Milwaukee's been doing a good job proven these ratchets over the years you know I purchased the first regular version years ago and I liked it but it was just really slow so if you're you're sitting here trying to take a bolt off that thing was just I don't want to say it was dirt slow but it was just so slow that sometimes I felt I could get it all quicker with the ratchet about six months or so ago you know I saw this for sale and I was like I gotta get that thing because I found myself hardly ever using that other version I wanted this a little bit quicker version I found myself using this thing a lot more now because it's a lot it's a lot higher speed you know it's able to you know take things off there so I'll do another review on more of the things I really really like about these these ratchets you know you obviously get down into that you know those tight bolts on a car or whatnot but these things are kind of a good investment so again I wanted to make sure I brought that up here today because you know that might influence an addition decision up here if you're only looking in to get one of the battery lineups because obviously these are 18 volts over here this is M12 so you're getting into a different lineup That Could Be additional cost all right now that we went through a general overview of the tools that we have here today I'm going to go through kind of a demo of you know torquing specific uh bolts uh you know on suspension parts and I'll do a few lug nuts as well and I'll kind of even kind of comparison of where these kind of fall into into the mix there on how efficient they are to help you kind of you know look at the results yourself and help you make the decision on yourself not me sitting here telling you which uh which one of these uh would be the best fit for you so let's get to it foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] my final thoughts on the group here uh the first thing I'll I'll say here is on the m18s I use the 5-0 batteries and then on the um M12 over there I used the 6-0 batteries uh but as you saw from from the video you know the hike torque there you know it barely was trying to get those bolts off you know it didn't have to put any effort into it you know I'll be clear this video really didn't do justice to this guy you get into some higher torque bolts you know obviously that's where this guy's Gonna Shine but for most DIY people you know I don't really think that's that tool over there is necessary this one in the middle here the mid torque you know I think this is a good overall you know kind of balance in between the two if you're getting up into some higher torque bolts I think that this one uh you know it would be useful on the third here uh you know obviously if I had to pick one of these if I was just gonna have one and I was a regular DIY person it's basically because the torque is all the way up to 250 uh you know on this little guy here and you can get into almost any place you want this thing is hard to beat over here you know as you saw on the nuts you know all three of these obviously took them off yes this one was slower than the other two but you know you're not you know in a NASCAR pit crew you're right you don't need to you know be having those bolts come flying off there so I think this this guy over here is sufficient as you saw in the 250 uh torque bolts it clearly was able to get those off as well uh the one thing I I will kind of make a note here and kind of talk about for a second here is if you noticed on the 110 lug nut Bolt versus 250 the speed was almost the same so you're asking yourself well how is that possible you know I don't have any scientific proof but if you look at your standard lug nut a lot of them have these caps on the on the outside whether it's Chrome or whatever it might be my guess is there's torque that's lost into that you know similar on the example here that I showed you guys in there on this on this hex impact you have this here this thing is rated at 2 000 inch pounds which is equivalent to around 166 foot pounds but this thing kind of budge those those lug nuts so my guess is the reason why this one was the same speed feet on the 110 bolt or lug nut versus 250 volt was simply because we're losing torque in there so I don't think it's any fault on the actual tool there uh it's just a matter of you know the bolt that you're taking off there so uh you know again if you're gonna just if you're in the market to you know pick one of these I would probably go with this one as spacely if you're interested in getting this uh you know as you saw in that video I showed you a couple Clips there as far as how easily or how accessible you can get uh you know this tool into different areas uh you know underneath you know the car whether your suspension bolts for this then if you happen to be going underneath the hood you know obviously there's limitations with this that's where this guy could come in here over here as well so hopefully this information was useful there for you now follow us you know please give me the thumbs up if you're interested more content like this you know please uh you know hit that subscribe but I hope this was helpful for you and uh thanks for watching