FIX Hot and Cold Spots in Your House, For Forced Air Systems Only

if your house is got cold and hot spots in the winter or in the summer don't fret this happens to a lot of people just about every house I've ever owned this occurs like to share my experience on how I fix this problem typically I see this caused by three major things one is you may have some missing air vents in rooms or they may be covered up by a kitchen cabinet or even some carpeting that's generally easy to fix you could probably add a new air vent to a room for probably $50 or less the next thing is poor insulation this could be due to old windows leaky windows even bad insulation in your attic this can cost thousands of dollars to fix the most common problem of cold and hot spots in the house is improper air balancing and you can fix this for free in fact air balancing can even fix houses that are poorly insulated this is typical of what I saw in my house in the winter or hide set my thermostat to 70 degrees and the side of the house closest to the the AC unit hint hint was about 75 degrees the opposite side of the house was us 65 in the summer it was reverse I'd set my thermostat to 78 and right by the AC unit those rooms would be 73 degrees and the opposite in the house would be 83 to balance this temperature most people try to close off rooms to get air from one end of the house to the other this can result in some really bad whistling from air vents or even poor air distribution depending on the air vent type that you uh that you have some vents might not even have adjustments what I like to do over the next few minutes to show you how to fix a typical forced air system the right way when an engineer designs a house they will compete the heat load for each room and then the required air flow to be supplied to each room then they'll design an appropriate duct system they can't get it exact because the duct sizing and the air vent sizing so the try to well put these little dampers these little black boxes at the intersection of the trunk duct and the branch ducts now what happens during installation nobody goes back and sets these dampers to get the correct air flow to each of the rooms that's why you end up with these hot spots in these cold spots so instead of getting maybe 400 CFM to the the master bedroom it gets a ton of air like 600 CFM the opposite end of the house where room may need of 200 CFM it may be only getting 50 this is why you have hot spots and cold spots in your house to fix your hot spot cold spot problem all you need to do is throttle the dampers back these are just examples of what I've done here the little red rectangles here where it says 30% I'm only letting 30% of the air to that room or 50% to the room going to the kitchen what that's doing that's taking some of the air from the the hotter rooms and putting it to more of the colder up areas in the house and once I fixed it for the winter mode the summer mode will be fixed automatically alright we're now up underneath my house and I kind of have it easy I could get to most of my vents and ducts and dampers relatively easily except way in the back I've got some crawling to do but you know getting your house balanced right is really it's worth its weight in gold if you see this really large trunk duck off to the right now the center though the view here that the intersection between the trunk duck and this branch duct here is where where your damper is going to be found while you're up underneath your house check all your ductwork make sure you don't have any leaks make sure you don't have any kinks and make sure every piece of ductwork has a vent you would be surprised on how many kitchen cabinet installers installed right over the top of a of a vent closing your kitchen off or how many carpet installers put carpet right over a event I've seen that several times probably one of the biggest causes for lack of the correct airflow in a room so just check your ductwork make sure they're all good and sound and you have enough air vents now if you've gotten this far you're you're home free you can see the small damper blade handle right here and just move it in to correct position now this is wide open you can see how they handle is sort of parallel with a duct but to close it off just turn it clockwise or counter clockwise until you get to uh the amount that you need now I'm not going to be able to tell you where that is until you measure the temperature in your rooms figure out the rooms still too hot or too cold and just accordingly but you can see the ductwork is actually torn here so I could get to the handle this is nice I don't know who did that it wasn't me but some of them are not going to be like that and let me show you what that looks like now if your ductwork isn't ripped so the hand will stick out you're gonna have to feel around for it and it's gonna be you know about an inch or two inches from the actual trunk duct itself I just sort of feel around teeth on that handle you don't have to rip your duct to find it but this is clearly not it I can see the there's like a little wing nut or something right here so the handles gonna be the on the opposite side all right either side just feel around for the handle and I can feel a little shaft right here see they just take that and just kind of slide it down little by little you can open or close that that dampers you need getting the air flow in your house properly balanced will probably take a few days you need to set the dampers one time let the house have a day or two to stabilize in terms of temperature then you may have to readjust your your dampers it took me about two or three tries to get it just right in my house if you take a look at the room temperatures of my house after the settings I've got a very consistent temperature throughout my entire house this is what it was all about getting the right air balancing in the house hope you enjoy it and learn something thanks for watching

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