hey guys I'm going to touch on a couple things 
here the question that comes up a lot is e1 codes   what possibly can happen for an e1 code and where 
do you start you have your normal troubleshooting   I've got a video on that how to do it with 
a meter and you put on DC mode and put your   two leads on two and three or either in an S it's 
the same thing I'll show you on my training model   here what you got but there's a couple of other 
things that can cause an e1 code II one code is   a communication between indoor and outdoor of a 
mini-split and basically what that is the data   signal in between that data signal is really 
light and anything can interrupt it so there's   actually a 5 volt sensor on the board itself 
if that is disrupted and it's four and a half   volts four volts three volts then that can throw 
off the communication so I'm gonna show you how   to check that and check sensors and that kind 
of thing just to make sure you don't have an   underlying issue and the main components of a 
menace but most people haven't seen the cover   off so they're very simple just trying to make 
them too hard and once you understand what they   are it's easier to figure out what we got so I'm 
gonna flip the camera around just show you okay   here's the training model and what we got is of 
course this is your compressor these are your   sensors you get a discharge temperature sensor you 
have a coil temperature sensor down here and then   on the other side in the front so you can say 
that's your ambient temperature sensor so you   got three main sensors on this thing you have a 
reactor the job of the reactor is what that does   is it removes amperage from the control board to 
keep the control board from burning itself out so   you have voltage but it removes the amperage so 
here's a few things the reactor should have very   little resistance zero resistance maybe 0.1 if 
anything so only thinking calls it to fail is if   the CELAC was to burn you would have a power surge 
or something and it was short one wire to another   other than that the reactors generally never fail 
what we have on the sensors all right the sensors   let me see if I can show you this up in here 
these sensors mainly generally go to one plug   let's see if you can see up in here right here is 
the main plug and then those three sensors plug in   separately to that plug one thing you can do and 
you can test every sensor and I have a video of   that but to keep this short what you can do is if 
you have any one code and your question of which   where the problem is whether it's a control board 
whether it's the wiring whether it's a sensor what   you do is unplug the sensors just unplug them you 
will throw a sensor code but your a one would go   away because if it throws the sensor code you know 
that the outdoor unit is now communicating with   the indoor unit so unplug your sensors let's see 
if we can get it right here there's your main plug   if I can get it in there zoom it in there right 
there so unplug your main plug for your sensors   and let's see if the e1 code goes away another 
thing can happen is if you have an e XV valve   right here that is one plug that exp valve see if 
I can find the plug it's different on every one   but all you do is just just follow your wire up 
and right here it is this right beside the sensors   so you can unplug that normally they will not ever 
throw a code for an exp valve unplug exp see if it   goes away it's an easy way of troubleshooting if 
it does go away and system operates then you need   to replace the exv and normally you don't have to 
replace the whole one just a head the head comes   off and the five volts I was talking about let 
me find it on the board here if you look at the   top of the board you will have voltage marks on 
here here see if I can zoom in there so you can   read it five volts so if you read from pin to pin 
you should have a dedicated 5 volts constantly on   that board if you don't have that 5 volts then 
one of these could actually be your trouble and   it could be just as simple as that so you might 
not have a board problem you can actually have   one of your sensors or TXV causing your problem 
and the way you would read it on the meter if you   look at my past video here we got 2 & 3 basically 
what this is is L 2 and then 3 is our signal wire   sometimes we have l1 l2 and s or in and s but 
positive here negative there DC mode it should   fluctuate between 0 and 50 volts positive to 
negative so those are a few steps to take to help   diagnose a II 1 code so hopefully this helps and 
get you started in the right direction of course   always inspect your board to make sure you don't 
have any burnt spots no thing I should touch on   is wouldn't you testing this there's a slack on 
this board and it keeps corrosion and stuff off   so when you test the 5 volts you might have to 
scratch just a little bit before you do it and   of course before you do then cut the power off 
then cut your power on and test your voltage but   you might can see that little bit of stuff they 
put on it to keep the corrosion off okay hope   this helps and all you want to do mini splits 
I got kind of a variety of videos on there but   like the video subscribe and I'm gonna have a lot 
more videos coming up help you Hiep you guys out

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