Dc Inverter Ac Works For 15 Minutes Then Stops | Inverter Ac Unit Not Working | EA Error Code

Subscribe Forever Tech Youtube channel to get every latest video updates Assalam-O-Alakium friends i am Nadeem Robin and you are watching your own channel forever tech so as you can see there is no brand in it this is unknown brand DC inverter air conditioner it just work for 15 minutes and after that it get off because this is unknown brand thats why we have hide brands on outdoor unit now you can only see only DC inverter now we will give electric to it now we will give it electric and than we will check it as it work just work for 15 minutes and suddenly get off and one error come on it so we will also show you that error as you can see it is working on 16 degree temperature but after sometime it will get off and it will show error and approximately take fix 15 minutes friends now this unit will start so i will show it to you as you can see its standing pressure now its standing pressure is 250 PSI as it will take start in few minutes and we will show you that after fix 15 minutes it will get off so friends as you can see this unit has been started and its blower motor is working beside it i will show you that its pressure is moving towards back as you can see towards back it is going towards the low pressure as you can see that it is showing 2.2 amperes on the display its taking now we will wait for sometime as it takes approximately 15 minutes now guage is showing us approximately 100 as it is gone to 100 as you can see and after sometime its pressure will again move towards up and as you can see its pressure has been stable on 100 PSI beside it as you can see it is showing 7.2 amperes on the display now its performance is working perfect there is no issue in it the reason to show you it is that if any kind of problem you are facing so you can easily fix it beside it we will tell you that if it is functioning normally than this light is stable as you can see there is no fault in it stables means that it is totally fine beside it there is another light as you can see it is also blowing this is another PCB there are three PCBs in it two are small PCBs and one is mudule PCB this big PCB is known as power PCB and this small PCB is its PFC PCB and third PCB is its IPM PCB as you see its light is also flashing and it is continuously doing flashing but when error come in it than its this light as you can see get off PFC which is on PCB beside it will show it to you afterwards that power PCB light will start flashing so lets see how much flash it gives as you can see friends that EA error is coming on the dispaly and its indoor is working now light cooling is coming in it but when it will start than cooling will finish because now its outdoor is totally offed as you can see its fan has been offed and it is also showing error now we will take its cover out as you can see here it is also giving us error as you can see it is blinking as you can see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 it is showing 13 blinks on outdooor PCB so now we will tell you what problem is here and why this error is coming we will open this PCB because fault is in its outdoor PCB so we will open it and take it to working table and explain you what problem is in it beside it friends let me tell you that this PFC also blinks and it continues blinks first i told you that it stops but it does not stop and continuously blinks and here 13 blinks are coming now we have open PCB now we will tell you what faults come in it there are three things possibely availiable in it due to which this fault can appear so first i will tell you when this fault EA comes this is normally current trip error beside it there is one more reason so i will tell it to you but if your PFC PCB get faulty than also EA error can appear after that if its IPM and moudule PCB is faulty than also this error can come and if its power PCB get faulty than this error can appear means this three posibilities are occur thats why here is no fix thing it is not important that again and again only one PCB will be faulty it is not like this beside it one more thing i will tell you for that we will go towards unit so there i will tell you so friends i showed you before its gas pressure the reason was that you can see that gas is present in it and it is working now also as you can see its standing pressure is 250 PSI as you can see its guage is up here it is totally fine but when gas is finished due to leakage so than unit can give you EA error thats why there is not only one error thats why i was showing this all things now we will move towards PCB i will explain you more things in it so now i will tell what names you can give it one error is current sensor error so current trip error so two errors has been named one more name we can give it that if there is gas leakage so gas leak problem so you can also say this beside it if PFC get faulty so you can say it PCB error so this way we can give it different names so we do not have any fix name for it so than we have to check it step by step that in which PCB there is fault so how can we repair it I will tell you in my any next video here just i have tell you that fault can come like this and these things can be faulty because EA fault is big thats why i am not making it in parts i will upload it in separate video

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