Subscribe Forever Tech YouTube channel to get latest videos updates I am Nadeem Robin and you are watching our YouTube channel Forever Tech In which we are making best informative videos for you Today we will talk about Dc and non Dc Inverter We will talk about these both And error code is Ec Whenever Ec comes on display So what does it mean And why it occurs And If you are having Dc or non Dc Inverter , it will useful for both We will explain that when this error code occur so what does it mean And what is its solution Carefully watch the video so that you can understand each and every point If you are new on our channel So must Subscribe our channel Press red button And also press bell icon button so that you can get upcoming video notification So Friends let's start the video Friends as you can see the setup This is Dawlance Indoor PCB So in its display Ec error code is appearing So whenever Ec error code comes on display So what does it mean and why do it comes Today's video we will divide in two parts One will be for Dc Inverter And another will be for non Dc Inverter When Ec will come on display So it will be same for Dc and non Dc Inverter There will be no change in it They will also mean the same thing But faults will be change If on Dc Inverter Ec is occurring so what can be its possible faults And on non Dc Inverter conventional Ac and If Ec is coming in it so what can be the possible faults in it Both asre having some difference So that's why listen carefully And watch full video So that you can understand each and every point First of all I will tell you about the Dc Inverter So whenever on Dc Inverter Ec error code will occur So in your unit gas is finished or leaked And unit is not having gas So that's why Ec error code will occur Except it , If in your unit gas is present But pressure is low This also we will show you in video that when gas is less in unit so what is it sign So ice start coming on Discharge Pipe Because of which it color gets white Because of white color we knew that unit is having less gas Its small Discharge Pipe Ice comes on it If gas will be less so then also Ec error code will occur When gas will finished then also Ec error will occur Except it , If for example that if your compressor or anything else in unit get damage so it will have another error code But in Dc Inverter situation will different Friends Now we will talk about non Dc Inverter or conventional Ac When we talk about conventional Ac and Ec error code occur in it So first reason can be this that your compressor doesn't start Indoor have give it supply but its not starting So it will give Ec error code It have two or three reason of not getting start If its capacitor get faulted It will not start and unit will give you Ec error code Second reason can be this , If compressor any wire get burn so then also it will give you Ec error code So compressor will not work Third reason can be this that everything is alright capacitor , wiring But compressor by itself has get faulted So then also it will show Ec error code And the major difference between Dc Inverter and non Dc Inverter In its Indoor a relay is fit Micro controller has turn on this relay But in relay magnet is made which join two points together If carbon comes in between these two points Which unit have turn on the electric If it can't give supply out Micro controller has done its work Supply is not going further It is not turning unit on So then also it will give Ec error code So for this you have to check the relay that is it alright Or electric is not passing from here So this you have to check it Sometimes in unit gas get less Ice start coming on Discharge Pipe So because of this pipe gets totally white So your unit will give you Ec error code Except it , If in unit completely gas is finished So unit will give you Ec error code In non Dc Inverter faults chances are maximum And Dc Inverter compressor If there is any other fault Wires are faulted Or IPM is faulted They are having their own error codes And that unit guide you efficiently about everything But in non Dc Inverter it will guide up to Ec Because further it can't understand that what are the faults It will see Ec and will do its work And you will detect by your self that what is the fault coming We have told you in the middle of the video that when on Discharge Pipe Ice start come so how it looks Pipe will get totally white and will look something like this So it means that gas is less in it Without any tool and any professional you can know the situation of the unit That why Ec error is appearing The pipe will get totally white When you will go close to the unit so open its cover Take out the raping from the pipe You will understand that gas is less in unit Gas will be completely leaked but unit will keep working But there will be no cooling So it means that gas is finish in your unit Friends you have watch the video Must give your opinion in comments That Did you like the video and was it helpful to you And I hope you will watch our next upcoming videos And will take advantage from them Will meet in the next video and Keep watching Forever Tech